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this wisdom comes with no particular prompting, but:

"they are obsessed with you" can just as much mean a person is in love with you as it can that you live in their head rent free and they wish to see you fall

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"I discovered that the unrented office suites directly next door are a time capsule of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, and we got permission from the building owners to put on an exhibition of vintage computers and telephones in the offices."
And/Or Gallery -- Recap Computing History #2 -- Oct 7 - 21, 2023

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I've been talking about how AI will directly lead to an Idiocracy (2006) scenario for some time, but today's update to the "can you melt eggs?" saga is as clear an illustration of how as I think it's possible to ever have.

Quora's AI answers made up the melting point of eggs, and then Google picked it up and responded affirmatively that you can indeed melt eggs.

Then people wrote articles about how stupid it is that Google says eggs can melt. Then Google fixes the answer.

Then Google ingests an article about how stupid it is that Google says you can melt eggs, and suddenly Google starts answering affirmatively again that you can melt eggs, citing the article about how stupid Google is for thinking you can melt eggs.

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This piece was donated by Cinnamon Kilian in 1968, truly philosophical!

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does anyone have a good way for making 3d glassy shape stuff like the os x aqua wallpapers

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You are no doubt aware of M.C. Escher's "Hand with Reflecting Sphere", a self-portrait of the artist as seen while holding a reflecting sphere. In 2002 Mark VandeWettering took the image and "unwrapped" it to produce a cube map.

this isn't really a Top 25 Favorites. it's more like, 25 games that would give you a general idea of Me. Not in any sort of order or anything.

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Tag Team, back again
Check it to wreck it, let's begin
Party on, party people, let me hear some noise
MIDI's in the house, jump, jump, rejoice


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Nostalgia 2 for Doom 2 has been released:
"Nostalgia 2 is a set of 32 limit removing maps for Doom 2. Much like the original the focus is on modern map design slathered with a layer of old school paint, but now expanded on with the CC4 resource pack and new episode themes."
#Retrogaming #Doom

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Google killing off their basic HTML version of Gmail due to basic HTML not including 'full feature functionality' seems like code for 'we don't make ad revenue off this version'.

We relied on the basic HTML version while doing arctic fieldwork in 2017 using low bandwidth satellite internet. Gone were extraneous graphics and junk ads getting served - just mail. It's also no longer possible to auto sort messages in the full version without enabling tracking to serve ads.

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I you wanted some tasty modern recreation fonts of the olden days of Apple, here's a chart with the old name on the left and its modern counterpart on the right (they are searchable and all free)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!