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We've adopted saying "for morale" rather than "as a treat".


  • Having a nap for morale.
  • Eating ice cream for morale.
  • Spending time relaxing with my wife for morale.

Turns out we do a lot of things for morale.

#AsATreat #ForMorale #MentalHealth

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Mistodon: this #ANSIart adaptation of the #Architecture illustrations of #HiroshiNagai was made by LDA for our recent fine art-themed MIST0424 artpack collection.

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firefox will now track your searches by default and you'd have no way of knowing they're doing that unless you look for this random blog post on their website:

it does look like you can turn it off at least.

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me: hmm let’s have a look, which library should i use?

library A: it’s 1c1h. one c file, one header file

library B: to build this repo you need to install GluoOn, a fork of MoonOn, a build system based on the Ploob ecosystem. Edit the Ploob intermediates for your platform and include them in the XJAMELLE files. XJAMELLE is a post-Turing-complete configuration solution based on JSON, YAML and XML. To get familiar with the language, i recommend these books: note that these are affiliate links,

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Windows 3.1 made better thanks to Calmira II, a Windows 95 like shell that gives Windows a slightly more modern feel!

Check it out here!

#retrocomputing #windows31

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After many optimisations of my 6502 code, a smaller landscape (88x48 wide pixels) runs at 25fps, while a larger landscape (128x48 wide pixels) runs at ~13fps on a stock Acorn Electron

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It looks like I'll have to add a detent of some kind, to make sure it always stops in a defined orientation, but the flip-dot d10 works!

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With the Limited Run edition of #maniacmansion I finally have a copy of the poster that came either the original release. It is chuck full of hints and funny tidbits.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!