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@paulrickards @stepleton yours as well 😍 (only recorded a part from the beginning, sorry)

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Pen plotters are cool but have you ever tried a Textronix 4006-1?
Recorded at EMF Camp, fabulous Terminal setup by @stepleton
#generative #generativeart #emfcamp

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fvwm 2 Bluefvwm 2 Blue 2fvwm 2 Brownfvwm 2 Greenfvwm 2 Olivefvwm 2 Purplefvwm 2 Yellow - Alexander Ribbe

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A friend challenged me to run Doom on my new 386SX laptop. Well, it "runs". The biggest problem is ghosting on the screen, so it's best to play in super tiny resolution to get comfortably 5-10 frames per second.

But if that's the case, I'd rather go play some comfy games by Cyningstan :)

Golfshrine update! A few fun things in unusual packages, and a one particularly notable one that entices me to do some extra unwarranted infodumping.

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I was reading this and was like ha ha, that's great, you go little nonprofit activist organization! And then later I scrolled by it again and my eyes actually focused and it clicked who had posted it

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The "Pay or Consent" advertising model of Meta fails to comply with the Digital Markets Act.

Our preliminary findings show that this choice forces users to consent to the combination of their personal data and fails to provide them a less personalised but equivalent version of Meta’s social networks.

More info ↓!yjjm9k

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Do/Have you used a CD/DVD/Bluray in a while?

What about burning a disk?

I'm surveying modern day awareness/usage of optical media, mostly to confirm some demographic theories, so if you know what a CD/DVD is, please help me (and maybe others) out by answering some ~10 questions here:

And then please boost for better visibility! Thank you!

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hmm, which Apple II Atrus to use for Riven (1977). Keep in mind it looks a lot worse full screen than it does in a thumnbail. They all compress decently well with ZX02 (from 8k down to 2.5k-4k)

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This just popped into one of my feeds - I think that it's a great story about a someone meeting the man.

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Following up on the Amstrad 386 laptop restoration

We've probed the VGA card all around, and even suspected one of the chips to be dead... But as it turns out, our tinkering made the card working. "Have you tried disassembling and assembling it back" approach, with thorough washing from the corrosion, helped.

The complication with the debugging was caused by the fact that VGA D-SUB works only when turned on from DOS.

The LCD screen looks much better in person than on the photo. The shades of grey on it are quite remarkable. So far it is the second most readable monochrome screen I have, second only to Playdate.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!