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Dig out the old spinning rust hard drive and it still works. So here’s some System 7.5.3 running in Solaris, if you’re into that sort of thing. Thank you MAE! #RetroComputing

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i'd like to see a rendering of the Apple Jonathan prototype as it would exist after a decade or so of real-world use, all mismatched black and beige modules with slightly different colors and design factors from aging and third parties copying different design languages as the machine's been upgraded over the years

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The plot thickens. WP Engine has sued Matt Mullenweg and Automattic. WPE's X post states:

Matt Mullenweg and Automattic’s self-proclaimed scorched earth campaign against WP Engine has harmed not just our company, but the entire WordPress ecosystem. The symbiotic relationship between WordPress, its community and the businesses that invest millions to support WordPress users, and advance the ecosystem, is based on trust in the promises of openness and freedom.

Matt Mullenweg’s conduct over the last ten days has exposed significant conflicts of interests and governance issues that, if left unchecked, threaten to destroy that trust. WP Engine has no choice but to pursue these claims to protect its people, agency partners, customers, and the broader WordPress community. Like so many of you, we love WordPress and are committed to the stability and longevity of the community.

Read the complaint here:

#Automattic #WordPress #WPEngine #MattMullenweg

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so is there a story of some kind behind or does everyone just know about this mysterious URL that serves only a… 5 KiB PNG of a crouton?? hold on how the heck is this PNG file this large. it’s 33×31 pixels.

…oh my god most of crouton.png, literally more than half its filesize, is an embedded ICC profile. and almost the same size as the image data is a text chunk which tells us it was made using “Pixelmator 3.2” on 2014-05-26. i can losslessly optimize this PNG down to 933 bytes. why

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If you're ever unsure about how to name a sequel - don't worry! You cannot possibly do worse than the Battlefield series. Chronologically (skipping minor versions):

2 Modern Combat
Bad Company
Bad Company 2

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I love when I discover a tune in the strangest places

In this case: It was audio technical difficulties during a broadcast of High Rollers, of which the local station ran this bop:

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What I'm listening to today: "2024-04-28 sync test wip", Catface McVideo

This was supposed to be a test for synchronizing an analog video synthesizer with a drum machine. It winds up being a cool, crisp dance piece that I feel like could have been longer. The rhythmic but semirandom audio-synced visuals give this a cool hypnotic feeling, like you're experiencing the obligatory drug freakout scene from a 1960s movie.

⚠️ Photosensitivity warning?

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Found on FB with the following text:

"While I was trying to photograph the Northern Lights in the wee hours of the morning, my cat decided to photobomb the picture. Since I had the camera’s shutter speed maxed out, it ended up leaving a sort of ghostly image of my cat in the photo.
Township of Holway, Taylor County, Wisconsin
Admin asked me to edit my post with the nearest city. The nearest city to the location of this picture is Owen, WI, which is 9 miles away."

Photographer: Kristie Kohn

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I suppose I don't need to post *every* nonsense Homestar Runner / Apple II crossover project that ends up happening, but here's another one

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Early preview of a new Infinite Mac feature: more direct access to the awesome software library from the Macintosh Garden. gets a new drawer that lets you browse and "download" into the Mac any application or item from the Garden. This should make it easier to play around with almost any classic Mac software.

Let me know what you think! And many thanks to fogWraith (the Garden's maintainer) for the site catalog and enabling this to happen.

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I recommend disabling this Paypal setting which will (if you don't flip the switch before 2025) result in your payments data being sold for marketing purposes.

Notes: The instructions say "Paypal Shopping" but for me it was under "Personal Shopping"; it was already disabled for me, but I don't know why (Canada? California?)

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and whenever you were on the move, in addition to the pager, you also had a pocket DTMF dialer with you.. for "reasons" *cough* ;-)

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In my teenage days, before we had cell phones, I had this Motorola numeric pager. At home on my computer running OS/2, there was VoiceConnect running in a #DOS window. When friends tried to reach me, they called my land line, the modem answered and they left a voice message. VoiceConnect then called my pager to inform me about a new message and I went to the next telephone booth to call VoiceConnect at home. By entering a DTMF password, I was able to listen to the message.. "Hey, let's meet 2pm at the shopping center!"

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People from fedi... WHERE ARE THE CHIPTUNERS?

I would be really grateful if you wonderful retro lovers could share me some users to follow, either here or in places like Newgrounds! 🫶

#Music #Chiptune #Retro #MusicComposition

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!