@TheGibson realized I referenced what I call signage without elaborating. Strongly connected to semiotics, the study of signs and symbology and interpretation thereof, I have this idea of signage as another method of control. Signs can't actually make is so anything. They only convey information. However, by converting this information, people are conditioned to police their own behavior because the inanimate object directs them to a specific action 1/2
@TheGibson Oh definitely. I have an aversion to being controlled, so I've spent a lot of time working to understand the different ways control is exerted. Most of them I can't do anything about, but I hope to at least help bring an awareness of these things to other people. The so-called social revolution. Most people in the united states aren't aware of just how fucked they are. The people of the US have been sold the idea that everything is fine. It's not, and it hurts.
@TheGibson and so people are controlled socially both through overt, covert, and even nonexistent but implied surveillance, aka self-policing (I refer to this as the concept of signage) to control social behavior, and controlled structurally by limiting ways in which people are permitted to engage with the world.
@TheGibson maybe so. The freedom to individuality is something I think about a lot. Integral to this issue is the issue of control over the lives of individuals. Control over individuals doesn't necessarily have to be overt. A lot of control lies in the inability to choose any real alternatives. I don't remember a house because I want to rent a house. I rent a house because the system has dictated there is no other possible course of action.
hrt, alc
@else hot take: a bar that serves gender shots and people go out on the weekend getting turnt up as NB & pangender.
@TheGibson I like to tell people that existence is performative. We perform the person that we want people around us to see. This tires on very directly with who we are as people, and also why privacy is integral to freedom. People behave differently when we know we're being watched, and so we don't have the freedom to be ourselves if we never have any privacy. The fight for privacy is the fight for individuality and freedom.
@venatus social water cats
@FuchsiaShock it's not my revolution if I can't fuck whatever other consenting adult I want.
@TeethTeethTeeth Always fascinating to learn about other cultures. In my house, we just call them spring rolls.
@ryen@hackers.town I'd like to thank Deviant Ollum for the seminar on how to fuck in airplanes, and you for directing me to video.hackers.town
Day job, corporations, money
@hummingrain How dumb rich people do charity: operate corporations at a loss. Forever.
Look, I'm just saying, maybe they people should just face the fact that they're never going to drive anything other than a 1997 Hyundai Accent. Why can't they face the reality that the car that they drive is an immutable facet of their existence? This is how they are now, and this is how they will always be. It's just science.
^How so-called "gender critical" {TERFS} sound talking about gender.
gender shitpost
@ialika_lifina The people have the right to gender!
gender shitpost
@ialika_lifina hot take: black market hrt = shoplifting gender.
@tiff I initially read "I made a tall anarchist"
Anarchist. Cat. Anarkat. White Cis Male. Don't worry, I'll die eventually. Polyamorous & pansexual. Sometimes I say dumb stuff. When that happens, tell me. I'll figure it out.
Location? Idunno. The walls are grey and plain, and it's difficult to get to. Could be a bunker. Or a suburb. Hard to tell.
I drive. A lot. Many attempts have been made on my life by whatever spirit is behind bad drivers, but I'm still around.