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i made the day of a very shabby man on the bus by being the only person to actually talk to him instead of ignoring him. a long time ago, he played viola; he knew a lot about music theory and classical music, and clearly deeply cared about it. we talked for the entire ride. it was the strangest and most unexpected thing i've done recently. i was nowhere near comfortable talking to a random person – it's far outside my typical comfort zone – but he needed to talk, and i was glad to listen.

this one is from him. may he find peace somewhere.

#np #nowplaying Frédéric Chopin's "Raindrop" Prelude, Op 28, No. 15

Do you want to hear the song your heart sings when you fall asleep?

I highly recommend Weightless by Marconi Union.

@Anarkat ~rewrites sales floor notes~
see! the results are so guaranteed that there doesn't even need to be a refund policy!
now that's quality!
@Anarkat anarkat snow therapy - guaranteed to turn "what's so great about snow?" into "my yeti datefriend is the best!!!" or your money back

Can someone make my federated timeline stop blinking?

"Why do anarchists hate voting?", some ask.
They must have had teachers intent on teaching opposite of truth.

Anarchists want you to, in a form or other, vote on everything in your life, always, by vote or act, just... not only every 3/4/5 years and then be violently blocked from ruling your own life, unless they happened to be one of the few already empowered enough to be able to run for mandates that wasn't for them to take nor for any other of the parliamentarism voters to give away, just existed because some dead white dudes said long ago it's the only way to self-govern, while part of the ruling-class.
Or, you know, you COULD have representatives too in some forms of anarchism, but only if their representation was immediately revocable, as otherwise it's not representative at all, just as "representative democracy" is not representative but is directly anti-democratic.

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This just in:

Snow Exists.

Now, I know that this may be upsetting for some of you, but that's not all.

Snow exists in proximity to some of you.

Please, we have therapists standing by who you can pay money to tell you everything will be fine.

The power to shut the fuck up was lost when bill gates invented the personal computer in 1980

terfs, detransitioners 

it breaks my fucking heart how terfs will prey on detransitioning people in order to convince them that because transition was wrong for them, it must be wrong for everyone. using a detransitioning person's insecurities in order to hurt trans people is beyond monstrous.

i want to be a good ally to people who figure out that they're not trans and go back to living as their birth-assigned gender. i don't want terfs to gaslight them or use their experiences against me.

Rush hour in a snowstorm.

Don't hurry. Don't get mad.

I'm not *in* traffic. I *am* traffic.

The rest of the traffic doesn't care how much of a hurry I'm in.

If I rush, I get sloppy.

Getting sloppy in snow means getting wrapped around a telephone pole. Don't get wrapped around a telephone pole.

Alright, so while everyone is talking about what defines sauce, I think we should simultaneously decide what it means to be saucy.

Some things can be saucy without being a sauce.

Like engine oil.

Or some of my past relationships.

> "Essentially, to keep property taxes low, we’re sacrificing the money that we’re spending on maintaining roads, libraries, parks and all of that other stuff. When you add all that up, we start to be a city where more and more of the things you rely on are rusted out, leaky, cracked, broken and having to close from time-to-time while we do patchwork repairs."

In order to keep taxes flat, Toronto is deferring state-of-good-repair spending:

#TObudget #Toronto 🐘

"Whatever happened to journalistic integrity" I cry, while refusing to read any articles beyond the headline

have a totally radical fingerboard collection

And frankly that's a shame.

i am neither, actually, creepy corporate motivational propaganda, thanks tho,

the people who delivered thai food to my third floor walk-up when I was in a full-leg brace are the real troops

@evan the only troop I respect is that guy who called the Seattle city council a bunch of fucking bootlickers

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!