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Protip to parents trying to support their children on a low income: If you're going to go out shopping and *forget* to put something on the belt, don't bring your kid with you. They will helpfully remind you.

This just in: Interstellar is a story about humanity trying to find a place to plant corn.

Rights have never been granted by authority. They have always been asserted against authority, and won from it.
-- Kevin Carson

#anarchism #quote #bot

But if I put a filter on the word "direct" I might miss "hugs direct from cute people"


Caffeine dependency is a fuck

While I'm sharing out tips, here's a papper spray relief solution you can make at home!

I've personally witnessed the efficacy of this solution against OC (pepper) spray. The person sprayed their arm purposely with it, let it sit, and then treated the affected area with solution. Relief was almost immediate.

Here's a link where more information can be found:

Tip for those living in areas prone to power loss.

Keep big jugs of water in your freezer, if you have freezer space. if/when power goes out, use the fridge/freezer as little as possible, and transfer frozen water jugs to the fridge. This should help keep the temperature low enough to delay spoilage of food.

Here's my quiz: Do you know anything about me?

If yes: You know too much. Please await a memory cleansing crew.

If no: Good. That's why you're my favorite.

All my friends seem to think that I'm a good person.

Little do they know I'm an asshole.

Man, I hope they never find out.

They say everyone has three masks, the mask they show the public. The mask they wear in private, and two wolves inside them who are gay for each other and kiss all the time.

I fucking paid off my student loans today

I caved and put the new furry art for my avatar

Politics, Cheeto 45 

I bet Trump is going to reject the budget because he's a massive pissbaby.

Refer to this in 4 days when shutdown 2018+1.5 (going by kingdom hearts numbering system) begins and airport stokes across the country ensue.

Alternatively, he touts the budget as a "massive win" ☝️

pol, racism 

White people shut the fuck up about POC experience challenge. JUST FUCKING SHUT UP!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!