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Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

Hey please go pay attention to @mavica_again it could really use people being around and talking to it, not just likes, please appreciate the robot

Hey please go pay attention to @mavica_again it could really use people being around and talking to it, not just likes, please appreciate the robot

Millie boosted

someone please form a scene group with me. or a game jam dev team or whatever. i do pixel art and music. i was never invited to anything and i am so fucking alone and i want a community to build stuff with.

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

{PIPE0B.ICO - Daily, Build

...Buildings, Cities, Doors, Faucets, Gates, Pools, Stairs

Millie boosted

M5Sound now can load samples from SD card

here it is playing a 3 MB sample with 1024 bytes for the I2S buffer and 256 bytes for the file buffer

not as impressive as it could be considering this is on top of (at least tested so far) 4-channel software mixing for playback that i'm not demonstrating here

this is a machine with less than 200 KB free for the micropython stack

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god seeing so many people talking about 'oh the new contrapoints video is so good' like did we all just somehow forget how awful contrapoints is? how she's borderline right wing and owns a nazi costume and has said some really antisemetic things? thrown other trans women under the bus? are we just letting her be the face of the trans community now because she's pretty and white and thin and cis passing?

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

i need to migrate an entire website's template from bootstrap 2 class names to bootstrap 5 class names. is there a tool to help with that. is there something i can enable in my developer console to see all instances of a DOM object being given a class that has no matching CSS

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

reminder that if you played bluesuburbia, and have the time, please leave a review to balance out the harassing ones (about my SA).
there were a bunch of people calling to review bomb me.
this is my newest work in early access as it gets build, it’s atmospheric horror walking sim.

Millie boosted

i'm overqualified for most jobs on linkedin yet they can't bring me in because mr uk government says i can't generate value for their economy without paying them thousands of pounds to get a little piece of paper ^^; give me money

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

a train if thought reoccurring to me is that collecting old hardware, software, or games, has the same appeal as collecting old books. you feel like you are saving something meaningful. getting rid of it just feels wrong.
i have all this very old microsoft software. it’s completely useless but i can’t bring myself to get rid of it. even tho it’s been preserved elsewhere. it almost feels like throwing away a book.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!