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personally i think i deserve a medal for not being the crankiest, most unpleasant person to be around that anyone has ever known, i think it's worth appreciating how hard i try

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i used to love badminton, i loved to swim every chance i got, i loved to hike 10 kilometers and photograph everything cool i saw, now i can count on my fingers the times in the last 3 months i was outside for more than 5 minutes

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i breath in too deep or stand up too fast or move my arms too much or close my eyes for too long and i feel lightheaded, i can't walk too fast or put too much weight on one leg because my knees might buckle, i feel like a collection of faulty spare parts that was put together to get something out the door and i resent that i can't be out there running and swimming and doing something with my life

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hey how do i stop feeling so tired that it feels like my body is going to fall to pieces, anyone got a tutorial?

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Look what my wife's girlfriend CJ made for me for my birthday! She bought the figurines, 3D-printed the pipes, light fixtures and trash cans, hand-made and painted the set, wired the lights to turn on with a switch, and crammed the whole thing with a TON of easter eggs! If you press the "do not press the button" button, a speaker in the trash can plays the audio from the AWIL transformation scene. The WHOLE SCENE.

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You have not experienced Back To The Future until you have watched it in the original Brazilian Portuguese.

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netizen home registrations open today in our irc channel, as long as you host a cool website with it

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new on the #linkcache - A website maintained since the mid 2000s dedicated to the Mini-ITX form-factor of motherboards

Tom's Toys - A collection of web toys, games, tools and experiments

Mike's Digital Pog Page - Maybe we should bring these back along with 88x31 web buttons

3D GIFs by Dave Sutton - A wonderful, free-to-use collection 3D web animations that retain a GeoCities-like charm

@mavica_again it's the same with like, fundraiser/donation posts, I see ones with stuff like 'please donate I have 2 days to raise $500 to not get kicked out' and there'll be 5+ times the number of likes compared to boosts and it's like, you are not helping, you are not contributing, you are telling a vulnerable person you saw their struggle and couldn't be bothered to press one button to give them a slightly wider reach

Millie boosted

anyone got decapped ROMs they need someone with free time to mark up in maskromtool? :boost_ok:

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Millie boosted

better question: is there any text to speech that doesn't use neural networks or other types of classic or newly-labelled AI or did that stop with dectalk?

yes i expect worse sounding results :boost_ok:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!