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@MindmeshLink whenever I play spaceship building games like starmade I keep wanting a more fleshed out non starship aspect to the game, like Minecraft, for the spaceships to exist in, and I think it's for many of the same reasons you have, I want big buildable ships to be an amazing thing on top of a fun, fulfilling survival experience

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if you still use spotify i put you in my files as having the same moral failing as continuing to use amazon at this point

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zeta gundam episode 5 

@darkwitchclaire my friend says char azanable is ripped, that he has a six pack

re: yearning that i hope doesn't upset my girlfriends 

@mavica_again we'll find you something baby, i wanna bake you pretzels while you work with someone else that you love who is on the same wavelength

@MindmeshLink fascinating amount of 'are you still sick?' about my incurable, chronic illness and neurological disorder, maybe someday I'll respond with 'are you not disabled yet?'

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no one ever teaches you how to properly manage your disabilities, but lots of people will try to teach you to be abled

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Chronic illness is relentless. It’s literally built into the name.

“Chronic” means we can’t just take a restful weekend and feel “all better”.

It’s day after day of feeling sick, tired and in pain - often while people gaslight you and endlessly ask “are you better yet?”

We aren’t getting better. “Sick” is our new normal. We have good days and bad days - but we aren’t going to magically wake up one day & not be chronically ill.

Accepting this is incredibly hard. Don’t make it harder for us by making us hide our sick for your benefit. Help us lean into acceptance.

And now I'm going to have a strong cup of coffee which won't do anything to make me feel more alert at all

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Ah, that fun chronic illness staple of "I just got out of bed, I'm so tired"

They should make a getting out of bed that isn't hard and cold

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If you make over 100k per year feed the god damn poor people around. There is no real excuse

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if you care about disabled people at all, please put whatever money you can where your mouth is, i'm disabled and desperately need my partner with me long term, but that costs money to get a legal partnership arranged, please help

@MxVerda bloody hell, i'm sorry, pain sucks, i guess we know that more than most people.

@MxVerda not to be grim but it turns out if you're already living with chronic pain, you can convince yourself for an entire year that the pain of a bone infection is just normal wound healing pain, even after it doesn't close for an entire year and the guy who did the surgery scratches his head over and over at why it's not healing

@MxVerda it took me having a breakdown in an a&e room to get them to give me a naproxen prescription for my chronic pain, and that was for a bone infection, which nothing really touched. Hope you're doing better soon

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!