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Millie boosted

m a k e
t e r r i b l e
v i d e o g a m e s
a s
w a y
o f
h e a l i n g
p e o p l e

hey , did you finish your dinner?

Millie boosted

tag your fucking spider pictures *PLEASE* for the aracnophobes

I' my girlfriend
Am also very tired but in my eefevce girlfriend !!


Millie boosted

any video game older than 10 years should be open source

Millie boosted

like, i'm not upset, i knew i'd need to change to blender to actually make stuff i can earn from, it's just a bit of a chore learning a completely new UI and workflow when i learned on the easiest to use software in the industry.

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so like, i learned 3D modelling for game design in cinema 4D, and got an old copy to take home to practice on from college.
Recently updated ubuntu to 18.04, find that the new version's wine installation doesn't support cinema4D anymore, or atleast it stopped running.
guess i'm learning blender sooner than i'd expected?

Millie boosted

"Normal" doesn't exist. 

Kind reminder there is no normal. Only a status quo that reasserts itself and expects assimilation or removal.

Millie boosted

Also a kind reminder that I'm disabled. Even if I don't 'look' or 'act' disabled.

Millie boosted

My aesthetic: robots whose eyes flash with every syllable their vocoder speaks

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted baby buny bot!! <3

Millie boosted

I am once again asking for your financial support 

My finances are looking pretty grim at the moment, and while I'm trying to get a business off the ground, it's not lifting off quite yet. I could use some help buying food and gas for the next couple weeks.

Thank you for all your support, whatever form it takes. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Millie boosted

Your infrequent reminder that Adventure Time is full of these great nuggets of wisdom. beep beep πŸ’–

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!