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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

whoops the caffeine wore off, good night world

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

Hanging out with @mavica on the computer fairies discord voice channel, might do some games tonight,
come find out!

Warning: reactor temperature critical, please supply emergency coolant before meltdown occurs

a coffee question for @evie : do you know if i could grind coffee beans and roasted hazelnuts together to make some kind of hazelnut coffee? :3

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

the main problem with cloud computing is the distance you have to travel to go and hit the server with a fucking wrench

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

we did end up going to great lengths to get the instance running again

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

>>If the difference between a human and a "sapient" robot in your story is "the robot does not have a soul or feelings" then you should reconsider your decision to make them sapient. Even non-sapient but sentient beings are capable of emotion. Is that a mechanism of manipulation? Does a dog's joy at seeing their person exist solely for self-preservation?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!