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Millie boosted

mastodon should have tweaknewtwitter features such as hiding people replying to/mentioning accounts you have blocked

big name tech guy in fedi blocked me but now i keep seeing mentions and replies to him in the federated timeline and it sucks man

Millie boosted

thank you @chaseahrens for commissioning me for a portrait!

if you too want to be immortalized in 16 colors, DM me!

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

i know i haven't released much new material in like 2 years but i still think the old stuff is good give it a listen and maybe toss some cash my way thanks

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Millie boosted

game journalists on twitter from the kotaku sphere acting like they’re above criticism & never done wrong is really crushing me today so i will share this here. it’s all i can do:
i think i will always be in the shadow of what they did to me and how they controlled the narrative about that. at least i kept proof.

kinda hurts to make a post asking for donations and get literally a single boost from my girlfriend, and not only no donations, but no views at all on my ko-fi page. it's literally more compelling to harass people online than to be disabled

i have received a total of 160gbp total, in all the time i've been taking donations, and all of that bar one has been from my friends passing around their spare money for the month to help with expenses, i'm pretty sick of this, i could really do with money to spend on hrt, food, hell, the tricycle i want to make getting places easier, or even plane tickets so i can have my girlfriend here for both of our health

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not to bang on this drum over and over but like, meds to try and soothe fibro pain and food that's easy to make on low energy days cost money, quite a lot of money, just being honest

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hey if people have the money to spare supporting a random idiot who accuses trans women of being racist for complaining about the way we're maligned, surely i can get some donations on ko-fi to cover my girlfriend's and my expenses for the next month?

Millie boosted

realizing that this person makes an entire third more per month from accusing people of being racist online when they complain about queerphobic and transphobic stuff than i do entirely from being disabled. i get 600 monthly and i can't supplement that, any money i'd earn from any job gets taken out of that, great

Millie boosted

and if you're saying

"but that's way too little for an embedded C programmer to have made"

welcome to third world salaries

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Millie boosted

Just watched THIS post described as "nasty racist shit" and this is precisely when I stop taking you folks seriously at all.

We're done here. I've made my position known and I'm going to get on with my life.

i had a curry one and mavica had a chinese chow mein with added seafood sticks and they were super tasty thank you for asking

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Millie boosted

LB it's me i'm the girlfriend and we're cuddling and eating pot noodles right now and it's better than whatever you're doing

honestly you all can carry on with your discourse and drama, i'm gonna eat this awesome pot noodle and cuddle my girlfriend and you can't stop me, peace

Millie boosted

if you're looking for a computer grease monkey with over 8 years of professional experience plumbing most sorts of tech, old and new, please take a look at our work. we're in desperate need of an income after 8 months failing to get a job anywhere.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!