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Millie boosted

i have a Sony Mavica FD-71 that's working but taking pictures much darker than an FD-75. from what i can tell they're ostensibly the same camera with the same sensor hardware only with/without manual focus. has anyone serviced these models? is there some aging component that can be replaced to make the pictures not as dark?

Millie boosted


i broke my computer monitor during an accident i had. i desperately need a new monitor.

if anyone is interested in helping me out, please do reach out. im from argentina and anything helps. i need this to socialise with people and study.

boosts highly highly appreciated - if you wanna help please get in touch

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

ok (still 0.4 no version change) should now have a polyfill that takes care of rendering issues in that caused the pre-process sliders to not affect the image

still isn't, and will not be, supported

dithered cat picture courtesy of @angela

Millie boosted

overdue reminder that my wife wrote its website with its own two paws <3

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

nobody remembers it's "little a salami as a treat" and not "a little salami as a treat" these days

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

having Big Feelings about People Sharing Things On The Internet re: this website made by a woman who has been writing and updating Paint Shop Pro tutorials and resources for 20 years and counting

Millie boosted

This year I'll:
* Be 31
* 10 years on HRT
* Finally start UK immigration process
* Which involves marrying my fiancée of 5 years(!!!)
* Which hopefully will mean more stable employment and living conditions once I can legally apply for jobs
Lots of milestones and goals. I'm excited!

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

does anyone have a good tutorial that isn't a video for fireworks and dreamweaver so i can pretend it's 2005

Millie boosted

they call me the Amiga mascot because you can hold and modify me

Millie boosted

it occurs to me that a large portion of the #fediverse might have my home instance silenced so i figure an announcement from here might get more traction:

i've recently released #ditherinator, a tool for real-time palette-reduction and dithering of images:

i've wanted a tool like this for years and i'm glad i can share it with you now!

please post cool pictures you make with it tagged #ditherinator so i can see them!

this comes courtesy of last night where for no obvious reason, i lost 2/3rds of the nights sleep to pain that painkillers that normally work great didn't get rid of for more than an hour per dose

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wishing everyone able bodied who's never lost half an entire night of sleep to pain every night for a year a very donate to disabled people right now

Millie boosted

ok not a huge one this time but v0.4 is out now

  • NEW palette mode to sample colors from source image
  • some code reworked to optimize things

Millie boosted

bubsy 3d is just as culturally important as mario 64 and you can't prove me wrong

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!