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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

CW: grim thoughts, pain 

I have an open wound that has not healed in over 500 days, more than a year and a half, I have been in so much pain that I want to curl up into a ball and cry until my lungs collapse, I lose so much sleep to the pain that I frequently have days where I wake up and I can't walk for half an hour because my head won't stop spinning and my eyes won't focus.

I don't want to die, but I need to not be in pain

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CW: grim thoughts, pain 

I don't really want to be dead, but with the pain i'm in i find myself wanting a level of unconsciousness deep enough that pain can't reach me, deeper than any sleep. something close to general anesthetic but every night, maybe more. i just need a respite from this pain

Millie boosted

we need something like flashpoint but for older computers too. i want to be able to browse and play flash games on a pentium iii like i would have back in the day

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i've been tagged by @mattof for the technology edition of the blog questions challenge, so here's my post about it!

i'm tagging @anna, @lafp and @dotHTM to keep the chain going :)

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Millie boosted

i made a seven seg display (after seeing it done in one of the preset worlds, but i figured the logic on my own)

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I will get up however so I can go downstairs and hug my wife and play with the new air fryer

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Millie boosted

i've been going down a rabbit hole i haven't been able to chase the tail end of yet: is there any thermal typewriter with a built-in computer interface other than the Brother EP-44?

i am not counting the Canon Typestar 7/90 models because they need additional interfaces that can no longer be found

i'd really like a small portable text printer in that vein

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Millie boosted

REMINDER: you only have until MARCH 1ST to send me questions! LAST FEW DAYS! don't miss out! you cannot ask me a single question after that!

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hi for my build date anniversary i'd love for people to play with and and show me the cool pictures they make with them thank you

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Millie boosted

i spent so long wanting a machine that could boot os9 again after only having an os x g4 for so long that now that i have one i don't know what to do with it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!