@HereticSoul (Oh that ended up rather tall. D:)
@HereticSoul Most of the metal albums I happen to have on hand:
Type O Negative: October Rust
Year Of No Light: Tocsin (instrumental)
Shores Of Null: Quiescence (A bit grunty though)
And if you prefer stuff from the 80s:
Savatage: Gutter Ballet and Hall Of The Mountain King
Metal Church: Metal Church and The Dark
Diamond Head: Lightning To The Nations
Have fun~
Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages
I'm not fond of the third dungeon so far. I already thought hiding two keys behind bombable walls in the second one was rubbish and it had a shit boss (requiring a lot of backtracking if you miss the second, I think you more or less get stuck with the first?) but this one has a lot of faffing around throwing bombs at enemies. At least the midboss was a non-issue easier than the ones of the first two dungeons.
Classic Doctor Who, slight annoyance, fanfiction
@lizardsquid Is there that much of a problem with prefacing the thing with "I had to depart from canon in X way to make room for this to fit"? Aside from not wanting to?
Also, as I understand the stories are linear in how the doctors experience them (but not at all through time) but are they continuous? Is it not possible for the doctor to be faffing around while the companion(s) have some down time?
@loki Good morning~
@glyphicality (Also woops I guess I forgot you specifically asked desktop, so never mind that last sentence.)
@glyphicality @Tobi There's also options within masto, with the settings button of the notification column. At least on desktop, not sure on mobile right now.
@azushark Not that I don't get excited about people's OCs in general but you have a bat? :D
@KS *Hugs you gently but close, nuzzles slowly.*
Of course you can. <3
"so how would you like your hugs, firm or gentle?"
"Oh please -
Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages
Close to where I was before I looked up how to save- just obtained bombs, stopped previously midway through dungeon 2.
I feel like the reward for getting the queen her seeds being bombs is an odd choice. Handing out explosives to villagers sounds like a terrible idea, but especially to a child (which I think Link is meant to be?) and *especially* the child your evil overseer knows to have holy powers.
Also, why are the bombs kept inside the queen's palace?
food, laffs
@Xkeeper Thank you for ordering Pizza Huh?.
Bisexual bat|
Can be found at @BatElite
"hfhgjgjhfhf" -@lizardsquid