Tried flirting with someone using a reference. Yeah, that failure’s on me

Jazz Goat boosted

Why wont the work!? Cant write post longer than 50 words fsr

Jazz Goat boosted

#London #Transport #advertisement from 1980:
"If it takes one man one gallon of petrol to get to work. How many gallons will it take 68 men?" - London Transport - the fuelsavers
#Urbanism #Buses #Travel #fuel #oil

Jazz Goat boosted

food cw 

I better eat just a few of these black bean chips just in case it upsets the tum

(20 chips later) well I guess we're just gonna find out later aren't we :blobcatoh:

I should probably get some server space instead of just hosting everything in github pages.

My phone died, but am back for the moment with a borrowed one

I have Huey Lewis & The news vinyl of Fore!
I need to get a raincoat and make a photo with my fursuit doing the Patrick Bateman pose

@dragonmagic Take loratadine. If your body still feels terrible, then it’s most likely ot allergies

@mavica_again ah, then yeah no idea. I guess the limited interaction I’ve had in that respect can be boiled down to “act like you belong”. But then again, that hasn’t really been a great approach to actually feeling part of the community

@arielmt I’m guessing it’s just the convenience of having dynamic elements without any load to the server

Jazz Goat boosted
Jazz Goat boosted

@mavica_again I know there are some events in my city that welcome newbs; never been to one, but a friend has. It’s not a super big city, but bigger than a town

Jazz Goat boosted

Silo was Ok, but I’m gonna read the books. Not waiting for season 2 to also not explain anything

I forgot my camera’s film roll in the hotel. Maybe I should have considered that as a possibility

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!