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meeeee onnnnn (take on me)
i'll beeeee goooone
in a day or twooooooooooooooo

thanks amazon for emailing me to see if i'm interested in buying the elf bowling movie, really appreciate it

*slaps roof of a persons hand* this bad boy can fit so many satchels in it

heard the words 'duck science' on a tv ad last night and i don't know what that means but sign me up

are there any video games that have an elevator sequence within a train level?

songs that my brain decided to try and distract me with today while driving:
that Happy Happy Joy Joy song from Ren & Stimpy
Paul McCartney - Temporary Secretary
Noodles Can't Be Beat from PaRappa the Rapper 2
Erik Satie - GymnopΓ©die No.1
the Buck Bumble theme
Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 5
Billy Idol - Hot In The City

g'morning mastodon

time to get in a Thing and move it for a while until it gets to another Thing so i can wait around until a Thing inside the first Thing gets looked at enough then i can move the first Thing back to the Thing that i live in

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!