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just finished watching the last episode of Severence and fuck me that show slaps

proper game design is when you let the player rapidly and repeatedly activate an object/character to make a funny noise happen over and over



is there a term for when a creator puts more resources into their work and it ends up losing the vibe you enjoyed from their previous stuff?

it tickles me a little when i find a website about UX design best practices and it's awful to navigate

why is it that of the two cleaning sponges i've got (from the same pack), the one i'm currently using dries out completely after use while the unused one has stayed at its original softness?

if i had more talent and budget i'd like to make a game that takes place entirely in the out-of-bounds and unfinished areas of a fictional, much larger game

trying to recall what this one english dubbed anime i saw a bunch of as a kid
the most distinctive thing i remember was that the recurring villains were a group of three and often when they'd get defeated they'd explode into a huge mushroom cloud shaped like a rose
anyone know what it could be?

it's called this because whenever i see gameplay of it, i feel like there's too much soup in my stomach

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!