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let's just cancel mondays and replace them with an extended weekend

Yo whats poppin Sharkiefam, Im back at it again with the sHiTpOsTiNg

One day, cars will drive themselves

And then country singers will sing about their trucks leaving them too

fox uspol 

interesting that being uncomfortable about racism is what Fox News considered scary enough to readers to merit the quotes

not to be gay on main bUT 


oh crap

a friend gave me their new phone number

i left a ridiculous and somewhat flirty voicemail

that actually wasn't the right phone number

im dead inside due to social anxiety

@Scarly PLOT TWIST: it was the right number, she just apparently doesn't pay attention to voicemails :blobrofl:

@Scarly or more specifically, didn't have her voicemail setup

CRISIS AVERTED :blobthumbsup:


Made fried chicken for the first time today and it turned out wonderfully :blobmelt:

I haven’t really done much frying before, so it was... educational ^^

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!