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bev! boosted

@AlexMax I'm talking about the looks/styles more than anything.

as in, I think I appreciate that style more.

what's the difference between a goth and a witch?

because I think I'm starting to lean more towards witch vibes...

bev! boosted

ever get that feeling where you just wanna zone out and cuddle?

cause that's me at the moment

bev! boosted

So, I got bored tonight and I had a Windows 3.1 VM with Visual C++ 1.5 installed.... And this is the result

Now that I have a webcam, I can use with it.

It's still neat!

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

hi support actually struggling queer latinas please

i have been unable to get a job since april of last year (if you have an opening for a frankly pretty damn good software engineer with 8+ years professional experience give me a call)

bev! boosted

YOU: make sure to enable TFA
ME: *internally* team fortress authentication

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

feels good to go to a few thrift stores and walk out with not just silly jank like Cabela's Monster Buck Hunter, but also some clothes.

I used to be so afraid about the latter. Now, not so much.

bev! boosted

In the meadow we can build a snowman, and pretend that he is Alton Brown

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

and hey, if you wanna help make next year better, or just make the end of the year more bearable,

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bev! boosted

today i released version 3.5 of webgbcam, my web app that simulates a game boy camera!

current features:
- settable gamma/contrast
- settable palette from curated selection
- settings are kept for the next session (new!)
- record 5-second gif
- 3-second timer to frame your shot
- swap between front and back cameras on mobile
- tweak camera settings after taking a shot
- hide the UI & use it as a window capture for streams!

picture courtesy of me bothering @Atatra 💜

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!