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New on the Secret Area, it's Who Wants to be a Millionaire: The Album.

Released in 2000, this album features songs "inspired by" the hit ABC game show. Bonus: Regis Philbin sings!

Likes, shares and comments appreciated, as always.

@darkwitchclaire I'm mildly curious only because I don't know the context

weed gummy that turns you into a werewolf

is this anything

So I'm taking my estradiol and I couldn't stop sneezing and now I have a towel covered in estradiol.

how's your morning

bev! boosted

What if we put Homer Simpson's head on top of Homer Simpson's body!

curse you paul rudd for making people be more aware of mac & me, a terrible movie I just watched.

even while listening to a commentary from the It Was a Thing on TV podcast couldn't save it!

bev! boosted

So my brain short-circuited on Sunday into Monday and the verbal aphasia is gonna be BAD for the next few days.

Let's talk about aphasia and circumlocution.

Someone uploaded an episode of The Price is Right from 2009 that features not just the episode but outtakes and reshoots.

Always like when you can see behind-the-scenes stuff like that.

New on Patreon: It's Who Wants to be a Millionaire: The Album.

Ever wanted to hear a bunch of songs themed after the famous game show? Buena Vista Records has you covered.

Available now for all Patrons:

bev! boosted

another pixel portrait going out to Cass of / ! i couldn't decide on a background, so this one gets two variants!

you can get portraits like these and more if you just head on down to !

bev! boosted

if any mutuals are still being scammed by Discord and losing money on Nitro then you should send money to my ko-fi instead because i need to survive more than you need animated emoji

bev! boosted

please, please hire my fiancée, it's pretty much impossible to support to adult women on a single disability allowance, and it's getting harder and harder to stay afloat, please just give us something

Sat down and wrote some words about an album from a game show.

Glad I got it done but I should've done this earlier in the month, while it was super fresh in my memory.

Ah well.

bev! boosted

damn everybody keeps moving up to Seattle as of late

feels like I need to make a trek up there sometime

warning: if you decide to get to know me, I might make you watch dumb shit like this

one of my life goals at this point is to travel around the world.

check out some cool locales. take some pictures. see folks I've known for years and enjoy their company. hear their stories.

I wanna meet all the cool people in my computer, basically

bev! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!