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bev! boosted


Had some "waiting at a doctor's office" chic going on today.

bev! boosted

Happy Neil Banging Out The Tunes Day to those who celebrate!

put on a diamond-patterned sweater to do errands today and got complimented for wearing it :blobsmile:

game show themes need to bring back the moog synthesizer, damn it

I have either made a wonderful purchase or a huge mistake, depending on how you look at it

bev! boosted

gender things 

somebody on a discord server I'm on said "being a girl is so cool"

and at this point, I kinda agree

@mavica_again don'tcha just love it when you have to check settings all the time to make sure things haven't reverted back? /s

It's been over a year since I last converted stuff off a VHS tape.

Feels satisfying to return to it.

this was technically an april fools joke because cats don't really awoo, but I guess awoo can be said by anyone, right?

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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area: It's BlackOPS, a mod for Half-Life.

A mod that looks at the underutilized Black Ops soldiers from Opposing Force, with TWO (!) different variations.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.

oh hey, baseball's back

good of a time as any to say: fuck the yankees

If I told you there was a soundtrack album based on the game show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," what would you think it would be?

bev! boosted

@settinger designed and printed a comic sans typewriter ball so we're testing it on my IBM selectric this afternoon and it totally does work!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!