re: nothing
@darkwitchclaire (says oh to the tune of oh susanna) you'll be needing one of these
New on Patreon: It's Black Ops, a mod for Half-Life.
I talk about this mod released in a post-Half-Life 2 world, and the two (TWO!) variations that exist, one of which is a callback to a HL1 mod I covered years ago.
Check it out here, for all patrons:
I am now listening to Who Wants to be A Millionaire: The Album.
It's a bunch of songs themed after the show, with a techno song about the show, Regis Philbin singing, and a techno remix of the freakin' Millionaire theme.
and each track is bookended by music and dialogue from the show.
Yep this is gonna be article material
@mavica_again hey!
you make cool things!
after posting these toots, I tried to find the re-record of Tommy Tutone's 867-5309/Jenny that Rock Band 3 used, but with no success
honestly I feel like I could write more about this because I can't be the only one who finds this fascinating
this is especially interesting during the Guitar Hero/Rock Band music game boom, where oftentimes they'd just use a re-record because the original studio masters were unavailable or lost.
it's a fascinating rabbit hole to get lost in, tbh
@selectric sure this isn't a rejected wheel of fortune puzzle
my fiancée @Atatra has a bad knee and needs a new knee brace, too. i've been unemployed for a year now because nobody in tech is hiring anymore. give us money
a shame that my hands kinda cramp when I play for more than a few songs, which tells me I need to do more hand exercises.
(aka tonya)
39/pan/trans. she/they.
writes about dumb junk about video games and music sometimes.
your woof friend. may also be bnuuy or kitty depending on mood.