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bev! boosted

guys always love to telling people about" Machine Learning"
but they do not care of, "Machine Yearning"

re: nothing 

@darkwitchclaire (says oh to the tune of oh susanna) you'll be needing one of these

New on Patreon: It's Black Ops, a mod for Half-Life.

I talk about this mod released in a post-Half-Life 2 world, and the two (TWO!) variations that exist, one of which is a callback to a HL1 mod I covered years ago.

Check it out here, for all patrons:

I am now listening to Who Wants to be A Millionaire: The Album.

It's a bunch of songs themed after the show, with a techno song about the show, Regis Philbin singing, and a techno remix of the freakin' Millionaire theme.

and each track is bookended by music and dialogue from the show.

Yep this is gonna be article material

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bev! boosted

help I have "f it up" by louis cole stuck in my head

bev! boosted

Can someone please bring back the concept of Music Vizualizers for the contemporary streaming era?

Needs to have a workshop/store function to feature community content.

after posting these toots, I tried to find the re-record of Tommy Tutone's 867-5309/Jenny that Rock Band 3 used, but with no success

honestly I feel like I could write more about this because I can't be the only one who finds this fascinating

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this is especially interesting during the Guitar Hero/Rock Band music game boom, where oftentimes they'd just use a re-record because the original studio masters were unavailable or lost.

it's a fascinating rabbit hole to get lost in, tbh

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will never not be fascinated by bands that like, re-record their old hits with the band's current lineup.

it's a case where it feels *close* to what you remember hearing but still feels off in some way.

@selectric sure this isn't a rejected wheel of fortune puzzle

bev! boosted

watching baseball with friends.

come for the baseball, stay for the oddball trivia and bizarre US commercials

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

my fiancée @Atatra has a bad knee and needs a new knee brace, too. i've been unemployed for a year now because nobody in tech is hiring anymore. give us money

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Sussudio by Phil Collins but Splatoon

call it... Squiddio.

a shame that my hands kinda cramp when I play for more than a few songs, which tells me I need to do more hand exercises.

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turns out clone hero is still pretty good

bev! boosted

a message about anyone "othered" by society 

I found this a long while ago, and it rings true every time I read it.. everyone who is othered by society has to be much more careful about our actions and words less we give "proof" that doesnt exsist.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!