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@selectric this article makes me want taco time

if only for their crispy meat burritos

took one half of those "extra strength energy shot" things and now I'm awake but don't wanna do anything

bev! boosted

So often when I'm talking to other developers they tell me they can't understand how someone with as versatile as my skillset has gone unemployed for 2 years. I can't find an answer to them either. Maybe I'm bad at marketing myself, maybe I'm just too much of an illegal immigrant to be able to be hired anywhere. My savings are dwindling and I don't know how to look for jobs who aren't going to interview me for a whole month just to finish on "unfortunately we can't hire you". If you have any ideas I'd love to hear some replies. #hireme #hiring #jobsearch #fedihire #getfedihired #mutualaid

sometimes I wonder if my life would be improved by cuddles.

@angela best of luck.

I've been thinking about getting off of spiro a few times, but there isn't very many good anti-T alternatives here in the US

been watching a bunch of episodes of the game show Scrabble and it kinda makes me want a video game equivalent to that.

just, crossword puzzle clues except you gotta find out what letters belong.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

i miss trillian

remember when you really could have every chat service in one app and not get banned for it?

bev! boosted

damn I put too much red pepper flakes in my spicy ramen bowl and my body is feeling the spice 🥵​

bev! boosted

so that control video game is pretty neat

@Ninji CHeck your kids' halloween candy, y'all: IMG_4346.jpeg

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!