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I don't have many goals for 2024 besides trying to be more kind to myself.

also talk to people more. I know too many cool folks that I don't talk to enough.

Hello folks! Over on the Secret Area, I wrote about some stuff I bought through the rest of the year. Books that became TV movies! Schlocky licensed titles! Music! Memes and promoting other folks' work!

Check it out here:
All likes, shares and comments are appreciated!

it's midnight and I'm feeling pretty alright, ama

A friend tried to make us watch Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa, but it took like 16 minutes before we all tapped out.

It's as awful as people say it is.

the upside of being on the fediverse is I can mention a brand/company and I don't have to worry about getting a random response from said brand/company.

Or as I like to call it, Ryan Davis' Law of Social Media.

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Never thought a Fred Meyer deli would have the most bland, flavorless chicken wings imaginable but here we are

bev! boosted


bev! boosted

yo discord could you make it so if I'm playing the Doom Unity port that you show the right game?

bet some weirdos are thinking I play Doom 3 a bunch for some reason 😩

bev! boosted

Remember to ARA:

Appreciate Raccoons Always


remember Heardle? Then Spotify bought it and then shuttered it when they couldn't make money on it?

Miss that damn game.😒

bev! boosted

family got a new samsung tv with a "remote" that has almost no buttons because you're meant to use a phone app instead. phone app is 80mb and tells me my browser (firefox nightly) is unsupported to log into the samsung account to control this tv that's already in our living room. hey @internetofshit

bev! boosted

(mario party chance time voice) pants time

I got in some writing!

Granted it was finishing up a wrap-up of things I got rather than what I had been thinking about this past month, but hey! I did writing!

bev! boosted

hi please hire me to make you pixels i'm broke and unemployed and i need the money thanks for having boosted this post already i know you won't have failed me πŸ’œ

bev! boosted

here are two photoshops i made in september 2022. you can see they both have the same masking around the imac g3 shell. the PSDs for these are in a hard drive in a box that i'll only have access to in the coming weeks.

sept 2022 posts:

and a completely unrelated post i'll just leave here

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!