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update: now listening to Billy Joel's Glass Houses, on an incredibly old tape that squeaks when played.

partially annoying but I can deal with it.

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sometimes it's the kind of day where you listen to Bachman-Turner Overdrive's "The Best of BTO (So Far)" on cassette on a tacky My First Sony cassette boombox

I've now bought a 360 controller receiver so I can play YARG with my GH5 guitar controller rather than the wired X-plorer I had been using.

Damn it seems the "Fortnite Festival to Clone Hero/YARG" pipeline hit me hard.

bev! boosted

Last piece of Modern AU Pirate's Fate stuff for the time being.
Mila n Morgana getting frisky down by a harbourside tavern~

@wildweasel good point, as I saw like, sci-fi magazines as well.

They must've wanted it gone quickly

you folks love that "star trek," right

this thrift store has a bunch of these for a buck each!

re: mild rant about rhythm game customs 

Thankfully it seems some custom song folks have made charts that support all difficulties and aren't hard for the sake of being hard.

If it was nothing but incredibly hard songs, I probably wouldn't even bother with YARG/Clone Hero and would stick to the official games instead. which would be a bummer tbh

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mild rant about rhythm game customs 

I find it a bit frustrating that rhythm game customs tend to lean towards making charts that are pointlessly difficult.

not everybody's a god-tier player who's beaten Through the Fire and Flames at 125% speed while blindfolded, you gotta accommodate for the lesser-skilled as well.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

i'm overqualified for most jobs on linkedin yet they can't bring me in because mr uk government says i can't generate value for their economy without paying them thousands of pounds to get a little piece of paper ^^; give me money

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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

been playing through Guitar Hero 1's setlist through YARG.

As someone who never played the original game, it definitely has the "first game in a series" rough patch when it comes to things like the charts and song selection.

Still fun, though.

I'm starting to realize I have a *lot* of stuff and I probably don't need most of it but it's hard to get rid of it

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Sometimes you wanna just throw a bunch of junk into a container so you can sort through it much much later and realize you don't need 80% of it

bev! boosted

While I'm digging through my old watercolor work, here's my big fifteen-minutes-of-fame, frontpage-of-reddit-several-times comic that got retweeted into orbit in the days of Early Twitter, from around 2009-2010.

It's an open secret that if you get a cute fox involved, you're bound to get loads of traction with computer people.

#firefox #watercolor #WebComic #MastoArt

bev! boosted

sleepy, sick and stoned is a good album name

bev! boosted

don'tcha love that experience where you're okay then start sneezing a bunch and suddenly feel like absolute trash garbage?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!