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bev! boosted

Rewatching hbomberguy's Donkey Kong 64 stream and I just got to the part where he's struggling on Beaver Bother

Oh god it's just as horrifying as it sounds

I tried to find an old toot of mine but I don't think I can search my own toots, which is a shame

bev! boosted

finally got one of those xbox controllers every game on steam says it's compatible with

bev! boosted

New patreon post: Forza Horizon 2 presents: Fast & Furious. A standalone expansion to tie in to Furious 7.

(and is also a rant about Our Digital Future™)

wanna see it right now? all you need is fami- er, a dollar

New patreon post: Forza Horizon 2 presents: Fast & Furious. A standalone expansion to tie in to Furious 7.

(and is also a rant about Our Digital Future™)

wanna see it right now? all you need is fami- er, a dollar

honestly I'm amazed at those who can write frequently.

it's a struggle for me sometimes but satisfying to do

Oh, I still have 57 cents in my Microsoft account? Guess I can buy a game on 360 before the marketplace closes!

*buys a game for $1.49*
*still have 57 cents in my Microsoft account*
*turns out my credit card paid for all of it*

okay sure take my buck fifty, buttheads

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

man, game show themes are amazing

catchy rhythms, amazing percussion, someone going ham on the slap bass and smokin' saxophone solos

can't be beat

bev! boosted

anyway we gotta stop networking so many systems, man. they don't all need to be networked.

uphold commander adama thought

is it possible to be goth *and* cowgirl?

many people are asking this

bev! boosted

The hot dog place near me has a bunch of faded signed photos of local celebrities on the wall and then there’s this

@ClarusPlusPlus it's like those kids who bid 420 or other dumb meme bids

They're not clever or cool

bev! boosted

the downside of getting new tech and registering it is now I get inundated with emails for their new products

no, I do not wish to buy your new monitor or headset, I am fine with the one I have right now, thank you

Sat down and wrote a bit of words that ostensibly is about a tie-in game of one of the most popular film franchises, but is mostly me complaining about things being removed and no longer playable for everyone.

So... yeah, get ready for that.

every day feels like I bounce between being wise and knowing and being The Dumbest Gal Alive with rarely an in-between

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!