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ever wake up from a nap and dave brubeck's take five plays in your head

took me nearly a month but I'm almost done with this music-listening journey

my mainstream music collection ends after 2015, so the rest is Neil Cicierega, bill wurtz and @mavica_again's music to wrap things up

a nice contrast tbh

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wow I've been on hormones for three years

@mavica_again beakman's world dubbed has to be a sight to behold

everybody will extol the greatness of Bill Nye the Science Guy but nobody ever talks about Beakman's World and how cool that show was too

I mean it had a guy in a rat costume!!

starting to realize that I don't care for baja blast all that much

it's a decent drink but somewhat overrated

bev! boosted

i grew up with the master system version of olympic gold. i didn't find out until like over a decade later that there was also a mega drive version, and that menu title arrangement always sounded wrong to me. anyway here's my arrangement of the master system version more or less how it played out in my head

god I totally forgot I put Invasion of the Gabber Robots (the "all your base are belong to us" techno song) in my music playlist

puppygirl this, puppygirl that

where are the DOG WOMEN

bev! boosted

"flash had to die so that the internet could move on" is such a funny clown take to me. you're actively rooting for enshittification

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

oh, we're friends now?

absorbs your speaking patterns

absorbs your typing quirks

bev! boosted

A brief ⛈️ brownout reminds us how many devices we have that bleep and bloop when they turn on.

I must be getting old if I'm pining about the days of Limewire, KaZaA and Napster and how sometimes you'd get an MP3 with the wrong artist or title

mixing two kinds of skittles in the same bowl

choosing violence today

french dips good

especially when you, y'know, actually use the dip

@KS @BatElite I mean, at least Black Tower feels unique and interesting compared to the onslaught of Chris Klie levels I had to play prior

Out of all the official level packs that come with the Doom 2024 remaster, Master Levels has to be the worst.

Even TNT: Evilution had more moments than Master Levels did.

New on the Secret Area: I wrote a few words about Legacy of Rust, the new Doom expansion built into the recent 2024 remaster of Doom.

Likes, shares and comments appreciated, as always.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!