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did a few chores around the house this morning, including having to wash two garbage cans because they were filled with disgusting garbage water

how's your morning

Decided to check out Legacy of Rust in the recently released Doom remaster.

It's good! Might post about it in the near future

@wildweasel @mavica_again strange, rendering in Handbrake with settings like those makes it go by lightning fast now, but the file sizes are about the same (sometimes a pinch more!).

I must be doing something wrong...

Looking for advice on how to make VHS recordings not take up a gigabyte of storage.

(Boosts okay)

every once in a while I listen to my 1800+ song library in chronological order.

From 1954 to 2020.

It's pretty neat to hear music evolve.

been relaxing for the past few hours since I got home from Campfire Tails.

lots of stuff on my mind that I'll eventually put fully into words once I'm not all sore and exhausted

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

by the way if you are in the and you need your or repaired i am a highly skilled technician that cannot be legaly employed in the uk so send me a donation of a ammount and ship your computer to the southwest devon and i will repair it for you i have clients who can vouch for me thank you. i have an oscilloscope and everything, which is more than some thousand-follower retro tech youtubers can say. :boost_ok:

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hello cool people on my phone

how's ur night

mine is pretty good tbh

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

anyway i have been logically homeless and countryless for over two years now and i would really like to be not that thank you for donating to my fundraiser i know you have

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I have now seen a cybertruck in person.

looks as ugly as ever.

campfire tails is tomorrow and I am excited aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

hope the folks on my computer screen are doing well

bev! boosted

bring back animated gifs bring back marquees and blinkies make the web annoying again

dang I've been going by "beverly jane" for four years now, wild

New Secret Area post: Forza Horizon 2 presents Fast & Furious.

A standalone expansion pack to tie into the famous film franchise. And you can't play it anymore. Thanks to Our Digital Future™.

Likes, shares and comments appreciated, as always.

I wrote this after having three mixed drinks, so you could tell where my mind was at the time

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turns out going for a small walk is nice

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!