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bev! boosted

Having internet friends is great because you can have interesting conversations.

However, it also sucks because 90% of them are too far away, making hugs difficult.

The Stroke just came up on my MP3 player and now I can't stop thinking of Dan Ryckert's dumb story about this song, my god

Watching a CS:GO tournament through SteamTV and while it's nice it has timecodes and markers for rounds, I certainly don't love it switching between buttery smooth and a slideshow.

Oh well, competition's better than Twitch being the only kid in town that matters.

The Boys are Back in Town is currently playing on my MP3 collection and it immediately made me think of the Twitter bot that just spams lyrics from that song every half hour.

[opening riff]

politics, sports 

seeing people destroy their Nike-branded stuff because Colin Kaepernick is part of their new campaign is the greatest "owning the libs" I've seen in a long while. :blobrofl:

bev! boosted

lifetime ban from The Mall because i wouldn't stop referring to the stores as "Brick and Morty"

bev! boosted

Finding out that Classic Concentration is coming to Buzzr floors me because that was one of those "holy grail, almost impossible to get" kind of shows.

The other being The Price Is Right.

bev! boosted

Please give @maple a hand in keeping afloat: (recurring) or (one-time)

bev! boosted

The Discourse with normal people: Politics, current events, etc.

The Discourse with retro gamers: Which is the better Aladdin game

gender, clothes, inquiry 

how do trans people get clothes without feeling embarrassment or getting really nervous about it?

It's one of those things I can't get over.

bev! boosted

Listening to The Eagles' Journey of the Sorcerer on headphones at a high volume at 4AM just seems apt.

bev! boosted


I wrote a thread on twitter contextualizing why wil was driven off mastodon in case you're interesting. tl;dr he like, made trans people homeless and destroyed lives materially. not just a run of the mill insensitive bigot.

TV and movies have ruined Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get it On" for me.

A shame, because it's a good song otherwise.

bev! boosted

Proposed: any time some rando comes into your mentions to explain something you already know, reply with "Thanks, Clippy."

I mean, I did get some stuff around the house done, but I'm annoyed that I couldn't get all the stuff I wanted done.

Like my own self care.

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You know what's worse than :battery_low:? Having it go :battery_empty: by the middle of the day, and not enough energy or time to recharge.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!