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New on the Secret Area: A DOS game of CGA high stakes. It's High Rollers!

A DOS adaptation of a game show you *might've* heard of.

Likes, reblogs and comments appreciated.

(to the tune of LCD Soundsystem's "Drunk Girls"):

trans rights

BIG NEWS! You Found a Secret Area is now on an actual website and everything!

You can find the cool new blog at Check it out.

bev! boosted

so hey I'm seeing a lot of people posting about really bad mental health thoughts tonight and like, I totally understand, sometimes things feel really bleak

but have you considered: continuing to exist out of spite for the things that make you feel bad?

look the things that have you feeling worthless straight in the eye and say, "Fuck you, you're not my mom."

I mean unless one of those things is your mom in which case say something else.

Anyway. The world is better with you around. 💜

Slept in too much, now I don't have any energy to do things :bloboutage:

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

tests are showing egg levels at 69%

(69%) ■■■■■■□□□□

today's a day where I'd rather relax and just snuggle with cuties or something

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Still no job, and freelancing has pretty much dried up completely.

If you've got a couple bucks spare I could use the help. :/

(And thank you. I hate to ask *again*, and I can't wait until I'm the one able to *send* money to folks in need. #transcrowdfund )

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Someone just redeemed a THIRTY SIX year old coupon at my store 😯

Decided to waste time and trim a song to make a "personal edit" version of a song because I felt like it.

Also so I can finally get to grips with Audacity and give up using Goldwave.

It's not even 9am and I'm already tired 😪

bev! boosted

homestar died. homestar runner is in heaven, alone. press toons games characters downloads store email to pay respects

Oops guess who was struck with sleepy bitch disease and slept through all of saturday


I'm probably one of the few people who will still buy CDs and rip the songs for personal use rather than listen to them streaming.

Doesn't mean I *don't* use Spotify or whatever, I just prefer personal copies I can listen to anytime, offline or on.

bev! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!