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bev! boosted

officially . please get in touch with me if you know of any remote positions for an all-around programmer, developer, interface designer with 10 years experience. i can do pretty much anything with computers and i need to survive. :boost_ok:

Still slowly at compiling for this game show cars thing and so far half of them come from Price is Right episodes.

Which makes sense, considering I've been binge-watching them as of late 😅

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bev! boosted

@grumpygamer open source classic overhead shooter, #CDogsSDL

Was a freeware DOS game from 1997-2001, open sourced and I’ve been maintaining since 2013

One of the unusual features is that it can read wolfenstein 3d data, so if you have that installed via steam or gog, you can play through that whole game but overhead instead of first person

bev! boosted

if we’ve brought back global pandemics, titanic disasters, railroad strikes, a King of England and Russian coups, we should also get to bring back the parts of the 20th century where they had cocaine in the soda and a minimum wage earner could buy a family home

what the heck I've been on HRT for 22 months???

bev! boosted

So I have this idea for a mastodon bot that randomly posts a car from a game show every half hour.

I've found 14 cars to feature so far, and I've got a long way to go

the time for pride is over

the time for wrath is now and forever

bev! boosted

"welcome to our fender reveal party!"

"don't you mean-"


*guitars emerge from everywhere. there are no fireworks, only riffs. only chaos. there are no genders. only rock.*

bev! boosted


trying to get better at taking selfies of myself, for maximum cuteness

television preservation can be fun sometimes, as not only may you find stuff that isn't readily available, but also the commercials and promos throughout.

it's an outright time capsule.

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can't sleep so I decided to convert the rest of a VHS tape at 2 in the morning.

always forget how enjoyable that can be

New on the Secret Area, it's Total Overdose.

It's Grand Theft Auto meets Max Payne, with a bit of Mexican flavor. Ready to get spicy?

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.

bev! boosted

Nothing irks me more than hearing the announcement system for Trimet mispronounce "Couch."

bev! boosted

Yep, that's me.

And let's not even mention what happens when it runs into a mess and then just drags it all over the rest of my thoughts.

yo this cookies and cream latte ice cream slaps???

really need to find more trans folk that are a bit more plus-sized.

if anything to make myself feel a little better.

New on Patreon: It's Total Overdose.

A GTA/Max Payne hybrid with a bit of Mexican flavor.

Available now for all patrons:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!