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bev! boosted

why call it "dual-wielded uzis" when you could make it much snappier and call it a "twozi"

listening to the NBA on NBC theme from like the early 90s

damn why are sports themes so good

bev! boosted

forums never stopped existing. IRC never stopped existing. you can ,

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

added an nginx useragent directive to make my website render correctly on google chrome

bev! boosted

Brought you back a meme from the old world. Today is the only day you can boost this. Until next time.

bev! boosted

This suddenly sent me down a brief rabbit hole of an old tech show I watched, DLTV, where they were messing around with Tricaster wipe effects in one episode.

Dang, remember when Giant Bomb messed around with the Tricaster?

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Hmm... seems CBS has gotten some fancy new video effects...

(From a Price is Right from early 1978.)

bev! boosted

HOVER.ICO - Transport, Paths &

...Bikes, Crane, Hovercraft, Prams, Tanks, Trolleys

years ago, I tried to read Ian Fleming's Casino Royale but didn't have much interest in reading at the time.

now I'm gonna try to re-read it so I can at least make *some* use out of all these James Bond novels I have...

bev! boosted

going kitty mode (falling back asleep on the couch)

mh, werewolf thoughts? 

saturday night was me wanting to bite things and go awoo.

it's kinda stuck with me since.

bev! boosted

Bro I finally figured out what the little pocket in your jeans is for. It's so you can safely store your dreamcast VMU on the go!

love all the cool people in my computer screen 💜​

mh (+) 

after feeling a sense of anxiety and dread for about two weeks, I finally resolved it by doing something simple:

heading outside and doing a few things.

got bloodwork for an upcoming doctor's appointment. helped with some shopping. lifted and carried a bunch of stuff around.

that combined with being a bit more open to talking with my father boosted my spirits a little.

turns out "go outside" is good advice!!!!!

I think everyone has that one game they played a lot as a teenager but wasn't *that* great.

for me that was Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes.

what's yours

bev! boosted

This IBM Selectric II was only $20 at a thrift store, what was I supposed to do, abandon it?!

Anyway, it powers on but is hella noisy and doesn't quite work.

I figure I'll spend some time debugging, and if I fail it's a lovely paperweight until I save up the cash to bring it to my pals at Berkeley Typewriter. I've never owned an electric typewriter myself (all of mine are manual, intentionally) so this will be be a unique adventure. #typewriter #IBMSelectric

bev! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!