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bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area, it's Slingo Mystery: Who's Gold?

A popular casual game genre, the hidden object game, is combined with Slingo, a web 1.0 classic online game, to... interesting results.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.

mh, mild loneliness 

After returning from Campfire Tails I've been feeling a bit of melancholy.

Being away from my home, to a different place, where I can relax and be myself, was great.

And honestly I wish I could do that more regularly. I want to travel. I want to see folks. Hear their stories.

If only travel wasn't so prohibitively expensive...

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

New for Patrons: It's Slingo Mystery: Who's Gold.

A game that combines the web 1.0 online game Slingo with the popular hidden object genre. This game goes places, y'all.

Available now if you chip in $1:

I realize over time I've gone from feeling guilt over not doing things to feeling happy when I *do* things even if I should've done them sooner.

Slowly and steadily improving myself as I can...

New for Patrons: It's Slingo Mystery: Who's Gold.

A game that combines the web 1.0 online game Slingo with the popular hidden object genre. This game goes places, y'all.

Available now if you chip in $1:

bev! boosted

Guess now's a good of a time as any to continue my Price is Right watch now that Bob Barker's passed...

It's been three days since I returned home from Campfire Tails and I'm still feeling a pinch sore and exhausted.

This body I have sucks, can I get a new one

bev! boosted

i need money. i want to work for said money but i can't find any avenue how. none of my job searches are turning up anything. could really use help

I seriously need to find more cool gay people on this here internet

bev! boosted

If women are so great why isn’t there a—HELL FUCKIN YEAH

So Atari's making an Atari 2600+ and my dumb game show-obsessed brain immediately went

"It's more than Atari 2600, it's Atari 2600 PLUS!"

then an amplified bass-boosted version of the Password Plus theme plays.

I think this was funnier in my head

I always tended to brush off hidden object games as something for casual gamer types that seem to flood the bargain bins of any grocery or office supply store, not really for me.

Turns out I was wrong, if Slingo Mystery: Who's Gold is any indication.

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So last year I found a Slingo game that was also a hidden object game.

I'm playing through it for a future Secret Area post and... it gets pretty wild in a way I didn't know hidden object games could.

you've heard of werewolf boyfriend, but how about werewolf toyfriend?

bev! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!