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I forget how silly The Price is Right gets sometimes.

(And yes, this was part of a showcase skit, with the prize being a Ms. Pac-Man machine.)

I've now reached the period in my Price is Right binge watch where I'm at Season 11, where The Price is Right: The Barker Era started their run.

These next few seasons will go by *really* quickly, as there's only a handful of episodes of that season on Youtube now, the rest got DMCA'd when they hit the streaming service.

Since I've already watched most of the Barker Era episodes, I'm okay with this as we'll get to the good stuff faster (1986 onward).

bev! boosted

with the demise of discmaster is there any easier way to find 90s era web backgrounds, buttons, gifs etc, that isn't downloading compilation ISOs wholesale from internet archive and hoping it'll have what you want? :boost_ok:

bev! boosted

We are currently witnessing the fallout from monopolization in the browser space. Back in 2007, Internet Explorer received much criticism for its phishing protection mechanism which transmitted all visited websites to Microsoft servers. Mozilla paired up with Google and designed a different system which performed most checks locally and preserved users’ privacy. That’s what healthy competition looks like.

Fast forward to 2023. Almost all web browsers in use are either Chrome or based on the Chromium browser engine. With the competition pretty much eliminated, Google is now pushing its “Enhanced Safe Browsing” down everyone’s throats – which is a nice sounding name for “every website you visit is sent to our servers.” The Internet Explorer approach from 2007 all over again, only that now it’s Google getting all this data. And they certainly won’t do anything evil with it. Yeah, sure.

Reminder: Firefox and Safari are the only remaining browsers worth noting which are not using Google’s browser engine.

#Chrome #Google #Mozilla #privacy

bev! boosted

Usually I'm not into the older, pre-1970s quiz/panel shows, but I think the unusual nature of some of these shows warrants giving them a second look.

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More tape converting and I've found some interesting stuff that's not on the Youtubes (from a cursory glance):

- A partial episode of The Name's the Same from 1954-55, with Dennis James
- An episode of the short-lived What's Going On?, a panel show that had panelists asks questions of someone who's doing something remotely (a common thing nowadays, unheard of in 1954!)

I anticipate what's on this tape next

bev! boosted

MOUSE10A.ICO - System, Devices

....Joysticks, Keyboards, Monitors, Meeces, Trackballs

love going from extremely sleepy to feeling sick

bodies suck, can I get a new one

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I'm coining the term "nap crush"

for when you like someone so much you'd like to ask them to cuddle and sleep together

bev! boosted

"alt text" is an image description

"shift text" is ALL CAPS

"ctrl text" is when you hypnotize someone

bottom text

help I keep being flooded with cute people on my timeline

trans thoughts 

Trans folk seem to always have that one piece of media that they gravitate to that made them figure out they were trans.

Yet I honestly can't think of anything that would apply to me.

Maybe I'll figure it out someday.

Facebook reminded me that about ten years ago while in Seattle for PAX, I got to try out Dick's burgers.

Now I honestly want a bag of Dick's

bev! boosted

selfies, HRT timeline 

To commemorate this occasion, I tried to recreate a selfie I took back in 2020, before I was on HRT.

While the differences may not be drastic, they are there.

I always worried I wasn't seeing progress but these pictures show that HRT *is* magic

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oh hey it's my HRTiversary.

Two years on those fancy little pills.

Feels great, tbh

today is a special day for me, but I realize it's like almost 3AM here and would be silly to celebrate it at a time when everybody's asleep. 😅

Sometimes you convert a VHS tape and it has something interesting on it.

Other times it's just stuff like Family Guy and the Simpsons, stuff readily available in high quality elsewhere.

Upside is at least the commercials are a nice time capsule from 1999...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!