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bev! boosted

Been listening to Groove Salad on SomaFM thanks to an @Xkeeper stream.

It's good background noise when there's nothing else on.

How does one keep tabs on social media without getting overwhelmed, while also making sure they don't just lurk and actually contribute?

I think this might be something that is impossible for me to do.

woke up after a nap and now "Feels So Good" is stuck in my head.

this isn't a bad thing.

I feel so late-to-the-party to The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.

Like, it's got the Bethesda jank and spontaneity, but it's oddly more engaging to me than the last Bethesda game I played, which was Fallout 3 like three years ago.

I don't even like medieval stuff that much!

Reading ResetEra and there's like 20 fucking threads on the new God of War

consolidate your hype for god's sake

Sometimes I wish there was more Twitch streams like RetroWeatherChannel where they just play chill music over simple graphics.

why do I read comments sections when I know they're going to be a constant trash fire

Watching a stream and someone started playing canyon.mid and I got slightly angry.

bev! boosted

fuck homestuck. it's time to celebrate 12 years of neil banging out the tunes

I just realized I was so tired and out of it that I cooked a macaroni & cheese TV dinner and forgot about it.

Now I'm eating it in room temperature....

Oh wait there's a confetti thing too??

Lemme give it a try πŸŽ‰

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these party hats are great, though it seems spud's gonna have a hard time keeping it on its head.

happy anniversary computer fairies, you're cool.

bev! boosted

There's half-assing work you don't want to do, and then there's Van Morrison writing a song about wanting a danish to get out of a record contract.

bev! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!