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oh hey it's another day where I slept in all day, woke up only to eat, and now I'm wide awake at 1am.

why do I torture myself

My chair seems to keep removing the tilt lock I put in.

I certainly *love* sitting in my chair and having it tilt backwards and make me panic and think I'm gonna fall backwards in my chair like some dumb cartoon character.

It's great!

Seeing the trans flag draped over someone's balcony warms my heart. :flag_transgender:

Playing Crysis 2.

The game has interactive printers, drink machines, and water coolers.

Already this game is amazing.

Getting the urge to travel again. Step into an unvisited city. Do the touristy crap, then find a nice place to relax.

Just wanna see places that aren't my house.


Had a dream where I was roaming around a city wondering where my wallet went, while walking around with two carry-on bags.

I hope it wasn't a bad dream of me reliving a past trip...

bev! boosted

may 4th, government violence 

It's important to remember that today is also the 48th anniversary of the Kent State Massacre, where the Ohio National Guard fired upon unarmed students protesting the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia.

Four students were killed, including two not involved in the protest, just going to class.

The shooting galvanized Kent State students Gerald Casale and Bob Lewis, who channeled their response into what would become the band DEVO:


something must be wrong if my dad even points out I've been feeling exhausted a lot lately.

I wonder if the thyroid medicine I'm taking is making it worse.

Changed my Twitter password and found this mystery thing that no longer exists.

Can you take a guess what it was for?

possibly controversial video game stream opinion? 

I think I'm getting sick of Zelda randomizer.

The Link to the Past randomizer, anyway. There really isn't nothing new or interesting about it anymore and even the SpeedGaming tournament has lost my interest.

I just wanna see something fresh and new at this point.

when is the electric sitar gonna make a comeback in music

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Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' "Don't Come Around Here No More" and Paul Young's "Everytime You Go Away" oddly go well together.

Must be the electric sitar that's in both tracks.

That moment when you're tired yet focused to make sure if you're using a meme that you get the meme exactly right rather that accepting a loose interpretation of it.

I'm tired as fuck and yet I still watched Giant Bomb play a really bad PS2 fighting game and rank it for science.

Somehow it wasn't worse than Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22, which is surprising.

bev! boosted

wtf is up with this design pattern on web apps where there are huge text fields for username and password on the home page and so you type in your username and password only to realize that the button below it says "Create an account!" and then you have to hunt for the tiny "ˢⁱᵍⁿ ⁱⁿ" button in the upper right-hand corner in order to actually sign in to your existing account?

Really wish I could figure out how I went from "oh I got all this energy I could *take on the world*" to "I'm gonna sleep in all day" in a matter of a few days.

what the *fuck*, body

Remember when the guy who made the theme song for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers made a theme song for an Avengers cartoon, got rejected, then just changed the lyrics to "Revengers"?

And that it was a song on the Rock Band Network for like a month?

bev! boosted

A surprising number of responses to the revelation that Quantic Dream copy-pasted Naughty Dog's denial of workplace sexual harassment are suggesting they just have the same PR people and that would somehow make it OK, instead of Garbage Tier PR work.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!