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gross image mention 

seeing my uncle shared a photoshopped cosplay of Cammy from Street Fighter with a visible bush was not something I wanted to see today.

like he's shown gross stuff on facebook before, but this is the one where I literally responded with "come on, man."

Who was the genius who thought "let two saxophonists blurt out two random obnoxious solos" during David Bowie's Let's Dance?

It ruins the song. Now I understand why the single edit is the more common version compared to the album cut...

I realized I liked and bookmarked two tumblr posts of the duke nukem theme but in shitpost form.

does this mean I like grabbag when it's not grabbag, or what

man I was gonna post something that'd be considered pretty gross but honestly I don't want to dirty people's timeline with my garbage.

bev! boosted

there are a lot of people on doomworld who complain about the recent-ish wave of anime girl avatars without realizing that the 15+ year tradition of "fish avatars" were literally just mspaint edits of a character that is both female and from anime

New on the Secret Area: It's Concentration, a 2007 computer game based on a game show you *might've* heard of.

I quote tweet my answer to "worst movie you've seen a theater" then I realized the movies I've seen and start wondering about my life choices.

why did I see movies like My Favorite Martian, George of the Jungle *and* Clifford in theaters?!

dreams (cont.) 

I honestly don't know what the dream was about, but the thought of escape... being someone else.

Does that mean something...?

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Had a dream where I was one third of an "elite" safecracking crew who found a big vault on an island that someone knew.

They were just about to crack it when they heard the cops were coming, so I have to lock all the doors from the outside, to be safe.

Then they wanted out, so I tried to use a stolen keycard, before I just panicked and ran, swimming to shore, pretending that I was someone else.

There is a minor gross part towards the end but I'll spare y'all the details on that one.

bev! boosted

If you're looking for a Linux sysadmin experienced with ubuntu, LAMP(/nginx) stacks, and that sort of thing, I'm looking for work. Get in touch. I like legacy applications and fixing things.

(e.g. I run, a fairly well-trafficked wiki)

My GitHub is kind of barren ( but it has some code if you want to look at it I guess

And if you want to give a person who writes about random video game junk some money (for some reason), you can do so here:

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Decided to finally start up a Ko-Fi so people can throw tips into the dumb game writings I do.

As of today I have made $3. :blobcheer:

why can I tell youtube that I don't wanna watch some douchey youtuber yet I can't tell it to stop showing me "instant regret clicking this playlist (memes)" on the sidebar?

mh (~) 

since my cousin moved back here from vegas a week ago, I've been feeling rejuvenated that I haven't felt in months.

this feels weird.

I've been on this site for months and finally realized that the blog address on my profile wasn't a hyperlink.

Now I might get like 2 more hits daily, idk :blobjoy:

I don't listen to a lot of "newer" music.

But Franz Ferdinand's debut from 2004? That's got some quality bangers in there.

bev! boosted

today I found out there's a tumblr dedicated to The Critic, one of the Best Animated Shows Of The Goddamn '90s.

This made my day.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!