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bev! boosted

I don't normally get involved in things like this because this is just a single-user instance with little sway

But this instance is now broadcasting `X-Clacks-Overhead GNU Natalie Nguyen` as an explicit fuck you to her parents deadnaming her in death

Man, what is it with internet nerds just posting angry and spiteful replies to people they hate?

Like do they seriously think "Yeah I'm gonna dump on feminism, take *that* Anita Sarkeesian" and think she's gonna do anything?

It's the younger version of "Doing something to own the libs." It's not insightful, it's sad and hilarious.

Feeling sick. I just wanna curl in bed and just hug someone. :(

Of all the songs I could have stuck in my head, "World in Motion" was one I wasn't expecting.

I'm casually watching this speedrun marathon and I'm pretty sure I heard one runner use a variant of "I identify as a *" and "Triggered" as a joke.

Could you like, not

Man, why is it that I'll go through weeks upon weeks of no motivation, then suddenly it hits me and I'm working up a storm?

This start-and-stop philosophy cannot be good for me in the long run.

stuck in my head: the theme to Croc: Legend of the Gobbos.

jam to this game show-ass music with me:

There's a small bit of me that wishes how to compose. I've thought about rearrangements and adding backing tracks to existing music, but not making my own compositions.

At least, not without making them sound like I'm just doing a cover of an existing song.

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I love obsessing over the backing tracks, what instruments play, what you can't really hear, that sort of thing.

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Currently on loop: Billy Joel's The Stranger, but an instrumental edit.

I've always been one of those weirdos who likes instrumental versions of songs, gives the band more prominence over the singer.

I need to learn that some obsessive nerdy shit doesn't matter and to not get angry/get in arguments with people over it.

I did so earlier and I still feel like shit because of it.

hugs to all my friends feeling sad. things will get better :(

weird jealousy/dysphoria? 

One of the women was wearing rubber boots with the PDX airport floor pattern.

There's been a few times where I've been tempted to buy a pair even though men don't really wear those.

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weird jealousy/dysphoria? 

Went to the store and saw a bunch of gals with cute winter-y outfits (skirts, tights/leggings, boots)

There were a few times where I couldn't help but look and go "I wonder how that'd look on me"


I feel like I should take a selfie but I hate the way I look, even *after* I just took a shower.

Honestly feel like garbage. Wish it would stop.

Still in a bleh mood because of yesterday.

Might just lie down and just listen to the music from Unreal since I'm not feeling too good.

I'm awake, my head hurts and I still feel sick.

How is your day

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!