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bev! boosted

Update: Conditions have not improved. Time for "emergency" cough medicine.

At least tonight will feel good...

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I think I might be sick. Send warm things.

Honestly, I'm surprised there's a dearth of corny '90s action-style movies these days. Either that or they're just in the bargain bin junk rack at a Best Buy.

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I decided to watch a cheesy 90s action flick with my partner/friend.

I only remember it because I saw TV commercials for it from old game show recordings I had.

Ever wanted to see a pre-James Bond Pierce Brosnan take commands from a post-TNG Patrick Stewart, having to stop a bomb on a train ran by a pre-Monk Ted Levine, being commanded by a former soviet commander played by Christopher Lee?

Watch Detonator: Death Train.

bev! boosted

I can't be the only one who finds it pretty sad that there are gamergaters still "fighting the good fight" in 2017, right

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Someone on my birdfeed account decided to go "WELL ACKSTUALLY" on goobergrape.

What makes it sadder is that he linked to r/KotakuinAction.

Bruh. It's 2017. I know what's happened over the past three years of that hate movement. Nothing you will say will sway me the other way.

Why he's even *in* that group when it's not about "ethics in games journalism" (and never has) is beyond me.

So many people bummed out lately. Wish I could just hug em all. :<

I've been making a list of "instruments that make me guarantee to love a song":

- Saxophones
- Slap Bass
- Bongos
- A guiro

My mom turned me onto coffee years ago, with a bit of creamer and sugar, per her recommendation.

After drinking it on and off for years, I finally realized why I put them in (besides mom recommending me that I do):

- The creamer is supposed to cool down the hot coffee to a drinkable level (nobody likes burning their mouths/tongue, after all)

- The sugar counters the bitterness of the coffee itself.

One day I might get more experimental with different creamers and such.

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Anyway, sorry for raining on people's parade tonight. I'm a bit annoyed at myself because I took a "nap" that was longer than expected, throwing plans I had out the window.

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It's been almost three months since I streamed something.

It's been a month since I wrote something substantial.

I get pockets of energy/drive but then it goes away and I do practically nothing for days to weeks at a time until said pocket comes back.

I think I might need to talk with my doctor sooner than January to resolve this depression problem, because god I hate feeling this way.

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I've contemplated making an introductions post but it'd all be "I do this but due to crippling depression + no motivation I don't right now"

I feel like I'd just make it worse for myself, you know?

Starting to think I need more plaid shirts.

My brain starts to play Highway Star in my head, but then it segues into Kickstart My Heart.

Damn you brain, stick to a single song you goob.

That moment when you drink a bunch of coffee yet do nothing except watch a stream of Giant Bomb's Alex Navarro playing Rock Band on drums.

It's *mesmerizing*.

Realized I haven't eaten much since 4PM yesterday. Decided to microwave a breakfast sandwich.

Now I'm wishing someone made the equivalent of McGriddles. That's a rad breakfast sandwich, right there.

artists & nsfw stuff 

Not gonna lie, artists who just post their NSFW work alongside normal "tame" art like it's nothing is the gutsiest thing I've ever seen.

Maybe we've become more accepting of that sort of thing?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!