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I realized I made a toot that I meant to make unlisted rather than public, whoops.

I figure randos on this masto instance don't want to know about my current issues and I don't want to be someone else's burden right now.

gender, clothing, self-loathing 

still feeling weird and unusually wanting to be feminine lately.

sadly I have no clothes that fit me that would fit that look, so I stick with a t-shirt and sweats. Like I have for a while.

...I used to wear such a varied amount of clothes, what happened

I think it's gonna be a rough night.

I keep thinking about the whole gender thing and it just throws me off.

just gonna spend the next hour listening to "Jackie Wilson Said" on loop because it's just that good.

Earlier today I felt like I was gonna go crazy over something I was thinking about.

I feel better, but it's still sticking with me more so than it has lately.

I said a thing about a video game for a podcast and I'm still feeling tense and nervous after the fact.

I always think about how I could be a streamer or podcaster then "stage fright" happens and I'm like ughhhhhhh

It's morning, I feel a little sick, and I'd rather just cuddle up in bed all day.

Hey, I heard @squirrel is a cool gal and deserves hugs.

it's morning and I regret being up 'til 3-4am last night.

The downside is realizing some controllers had leaky batteries or wonky cords.

Worst case is my Wii remotes + nunchuks feeling all sticky. The rubber "condoms" were so yellowed I literally peeled them off and threw them away, they were that grody.

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I feel an odd sense of satisfaction for doing something as mundane as cleaning up my room and making sure there's no junk on the floor.

I'm adulting, I guess.

I'm so conflicted.

I think anime is for jerks

yet I love the 80s anime aesthetic???

It's that kind of day where I feel crummy because bad sleep + feeling mildly sick.

Just give me snugs and sleep, to be honest

Earlier, I was looking through the Windows Store to find free Windows 8/10 games that had achievements tied to them.

Why I'm doing that rather than tackling my backlog is anyone's guess.

Was reading a Resetera thread on pinball games and suddenly I wondered why there isn't a Jeopardy! pinball table yet

(Preferably based on the early '90s era complete with mustachioed Alex Trebek.)

bev! boosted

With me and a few friends talking about Puyo Puyo Tetris possibly coming to PC, I suddenly thought about the *other* PC Tetris classic, Kids Tetris.

I need to find a copy of that.

I wanna stop being angry at things and happy at other things.

Hugs are things that one can never be angry about. Let's go with that.

feeding into a drama machine and why that's probably bad for me 

Sometimes I worry when I talk about people having bigoted opinions, like the recent Subnautica fiasco, that I'm annoying them with "drama bullshit".

I think I should dial it back in lieu of more positive affairs.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!