Folks, I'm really sorry. Computer Fairies went down because I made a stupid mistake. I gave the site host a CC to hold & draw payment from, but it expired last month, and I forgot to give them a new CC until today. Again, I'm really sorry about the downtime.

We are now up and running on v3.4.1+glitch

Thank you for your patience, fairies.

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Computer Fairies is shutting down now for upgrades. We'll be back shortly. :computerfairies:~arielmt

I rebooted the server just a few minutes ago. Sorry for the unscheduled downtime, fairies.

Facebook's upcoming invasion of the fediverse is not welcome at I have just preemptively suspended

Hey, Computer Fairies!

So I had to migrate our emails (for notifications, confirmations, &c) to a new host, and they defaulted to inserting web beacons and rewriting links in order to track you, and without telling me.

I've just turned that tracking crap none of us need off, but please, *please*, **PLEASE** let me or @arielmt know if you're still getting tracking links in your email notifs!

Thanks, and sorry.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!