Folks, I'm really sorry. Computer Fairies went down because I made a stupid mistake. I gave the site host a CC to hold & draw payment from, but it expired last month, and I forgot to give them a new CC until today. Again, I'm really sorry about the downtime.

We are now up and running on v3.4.1+glitch

Thank you for your patience, fairies.

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Computer Fairies is shutting down now for upgrades. We'll be back shortly. :computerfairies:~arielmt

I rebooted the server just a few minutes ago. Sorry for the unscheduled downtime, fairies.

Facebook's upcoming invasion of the fediverse is not welcome at I have just preemptively suspended

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!