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craft the space you want and others will come, stop trying to craft others into your space

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the incessant us v. them and rule-spitting at newcomers like they need to be quarantined in a conversion camp before they can post with you is extremely unbecoming

carry on with your life and forget the meta for one minute, i beg

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"They Say Don't Get Clocked" is a nasty, sweaty short about a woman in a bad situation that gets worse by the second. She solves the problem in a way that I think about often. As a trans woman who often feels scrutinized by a cruel world, it was cathartic fun to write. It’s part of the Trans Terror Trilogy ( but can also be purchased on its own (

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"The Librarian" is a story I wrote about a woman who tries to domesticate herself after spending her teen years as a feral werewolf in the Canadian wilderness. It's my first horror story, written over a decade ago, and I'm still proud of it! Contains graphic violence and implied danger involving children (no kids are harmed).

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"FBI Warning" is a spooky, goofy short story I wrote in the style of "Tales from the Crypt". In the era of VHS tapes, Crystal Pepsi, and Crash Bandicoot, two young friends work a scam so good it might be the death of them. Appropriate for kids and adults. Contains some original art by my wife Tandye.

Time to share some of the things I've made! This post is me simply forcing myself to get over the self-imposed stigma of "how dare you be proud of things you made"!

@ultranurd it is much-loved and there will come a time when human hands will touch it again. And perhaps restore it.

dysmorphia (but also gratitude) 

But I’ve built a community of friends and family around me who understand, or who at least accept what I tell them about the experience. I’m so grateful that I can express the pain, the longing, the self-awareness of the apparent impossibility of what I know is true. I’m so grateful for everyone.

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dysmorphia (but also gratitude) 

I had a dysmorphic episode today because sometimes I can feel in my nerves the shape that I know is right for me – a werewolf – but I have to keep typing with my pale little hands and thinking with my plaintively human brain. Those tools are both contributors to my dysmorphia and two of the only methods I have to communicate the experience at all. No claws, no elongated jaws, no fur. Just me at my keyboard and phantom sensations.

A dreary late morning start to my 4-hour run concluded with a delightful early afternoon snow squall. 26 easy kilometres in the bank, with enough energy preserved for another 4 hours tomorrow.

It's , so I'm sneaking in some photos. This is me in my Midnight Studios FX suit. I picked out each of the body parts at their workshop in Arizona, and they cast, custom-painted and furred it in only a few weeks.

body horror 

To me, this is good. I like when this happens.

"Angela, do you mean to other people, to you, or in general?"



I accidentally took what I think is a really good photo of myself while foam rolling last night. I was texting my wife to tell her how much I hate doing it, and how much I hate that it actually works.

original 90s Silvia ad I found (I scanned it years ago) when cleaning through my photo archives for Things To Post lol

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!