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sorry i have like three things i talk about and nothing else. i say this not as a personal apology but as a preemptive warning

@mavica_again i would gladly be rebased on a personal level, as long as the incoming commits involve claws and fangs

werewolf thoughts 

[it is meditation. i leave the other behind. the chattering voice. the worries the thoughts unending. she tries hard and gets better everyday but she is a thing of the world that made her. i am a part of her but apart from her and i help her but right now it is silence i need. i need i need i need. scree and moss underfoot. long climb in moonlight to the peak. the cold the bare sky. the moon the moon the moon the silence and i]

LB: a chilling account of how the canonical record of someone's personal history – and let's not pretend that anyone born after 1990 isn't largely represented by the edifice of their online presence – can be destroyed without recourse, and what it does to that person. @mavica_again deserves better. we all do.

most tech furries: oh i'm such a 68000 !! powerpc and sparcstation oh my

me: Fuc kyou i'm a 386 and you wwill Suffer trying to run auto cad on me. Dipshit

The House of Representatives knows who is sworn in it at all times. It knows this because it knows who the Speaker of the House isn't. By subtracting who is Speaker from who isn't, or who isn't sworn in from who is (whichever is greater), it obtains a plurality, or dysfunction.

CW: kink, petplay 

realizing that while this isn't an 'adult' account per se, nobody who i'm embarrassed about seeing my kinks and stuff is on here to see, so i can actually post about that with the appropriate tags, etc.

that said...

if you're a domme who's able to do hypnosis and is into putting cute lesbians on leashes hit me up...please

When someone tells you what they are, believe them

I should organize my thoughts a little better instead of spamming the timeline with 20 posts of free-association. I deleted a bunch of stuff but I saved the text and will share it later when it's more polished.


Rested and ready to act normal for the next four hours

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Exactly 14 years ago , Satoshi Nakamoto designed the most pathetic / inefficient system ever invented by humankind : the blockchain.

Today, it weights 60 000 tons, wastes constantly 10 gigawatts .. to process less than 7 transactions per second :

Less than a 33 bps modem from 1990.

This could be joke if it didn't have such gigantic environmental impact, wasn't enabling billion dolllars ransomware industry and was not crushing thousands of lives in the process.

Computers used to scream out in pain when we connected them to the Internet.

This was a clue and we just didn't listen.

Let's go way back for this #WerewolfWednesday, to October 1990.

This was my first made-for-a-haunt werewolf, Snnanagfashtalli (Snarl to everybody), chasing patrons around in the queue line back in Forney.

Over the next couple of seasons he got more and more "gory-ed up" with fake resin-based blood - he was a messy eater - until he was finally retired in favor of Lugaru, my first NFT werewolf. I'll have to find & post some blood-covered photos (with CWs, natch).

#Fursuit #Haunt #Werewolf #HVM

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!