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I think my favorite use of emoji responses on Slack/Discord/etc is when someone just latches onto a particular word in a message and attaches its emoji, with no semantic content intended. E.g. someone'll say "Sorry, the bus is running late" and someone else will just slap a 🚌 on there to confirm that they did indeed notice and recognize the word "bus"

Remember userbars? I remember making some in Macromedia (as it was) Fireworks, back in the day.

#2000s #internet #nostalgia

@Rachel_Thorn you are more yourself than most cis people will ever be. You have self-actualized in a way that permits you to be more loving to yourself and more compassionate to others who are working to become their authentic selves.

follow every instruction poorly and earn no reward

So, I got bored tonight and I had a Windows 3.1 VM with Visual C++ 1.5 installed.... And this is the result

I need to follow more people who identify as not-human on here

Apple Stores in Remote Locales: Apple Toiyabe 🏜️
Located along U.S. Route 50 between Lake Tahoe & Great Basin National Park, Apple Toiyabe is roughly 4 hours outside Reno, Nevada, along one of the most desolate highways in North America.
Open: M-Su; Year Round.

Any recommendations (episodes or shows) about the intersection of Buddhism and autism, trans-ness, or both?

re: werewolf fucking and licking 

@D6016 yes. good

@mavica_again I'm with you. I wanna make some slightly more complicated stuff than a 2009-era link blog, c'mon

Mistress Mouse:

Communist lesbian; runs a Mastodon instance called, like, MaoWasRight dot social

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@edstink I like them so much that in 2017 i started taking drugs to get my own, and can i say? it's working out GREAT

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!