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werewolf character design traits to leave behind in 2023 

- skull face
- antlers, horns, and other non-lupine animal traits
- forearm fur that grows back towards the elbows like porcupine quills
- 6' tall human becomes 24' tall werewolf

513: Scribble on the Shared Placemat

Freeform, convergent encryption, and rumored App Store changes in response to the EU's Digital Markets Act.

aaah i don't want to think about or do any work today. i want to spend about 10 minutes lavishly transforming into a terrifying beast and then curl up and sleep in my big pink dog bed

"Lesbian couple springtime holiday in Salem, MA" sounds like the premise for a webcomic where a lady rat and a lady goat look at Hocus Pocus locations & try to resurrect the spirit of their third, a possum who died from smoking too much weed. Anyway, we're going to Salem in May,

autism sensory pain 

Love to experience unintentional and excruciating audio overwhelm / processing issues in an inescapable multi-person video call in which everyone else is having A Nice Time

@hergaiety us plantigrade beasts are a proud and vocal minority!

The most important choice you'll make this week

A snowy day for my first run around Wildwood Conservation area. Kelly and I covered 25km in 3.5 hours, including some hill repeats on the two steepest nastiest hills we could find. And my VO2 max is finally back over 40!

I plan to use this trail a lot for long runs where I need to spend more than 4 hours on the move.

In the Mac port of Burger Becky's "Borrowed Time," in the attic (5th room) you have to BREAK GLASS then take a shard of glass and use it in the next room to cut a cable...

...unless the on-disk copy protection failed earlier, in which case there's no shard and the men chasing you will always kill you.

❤️ @burgerbecky

I'm increasingly convinced that the slide into hellworld really kicked off in 2013, when Boards of Canada released a record about a dystopian future unfolding on a dying planet, and that the only solution is for them to release a new record with overtones of "queer communes watering their gardens with the blood of ritually sacrificed CEOs".

AI Ethics 

At this point I don't want to talk about AI unless we are talking

I know some people are specializing in that but the money is really directing the industry towards rapid innovation and profit regardless of who it hurts and it'll only accelerate. We need to talk safety and ethics a lot more first before I want to talk about the latest "cool thing".

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!