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re: dysmorphia, werewolf feelings 

Bad brain weather is not a catastrophe because I have friends and family who believe what I say about myself, even if they don't understand. Though some DO understand, and I hope they feel less alone having read this.

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dysmorphia, werewolf feelings 

This sounds insane. It sounds like a coping mechanism. But I’ve felt like this too strongly in too many ways for too long to just be telling myself an iconoclastic fantasy story for the sake of comfort. I’m real. I just want to be me.

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dysmorphia, werewolf feelings 

Every image I boost, every monster suit or costume part I post, is me trying to put together a picture of what I am. Trying to reconstitute the magazine from a ransom note made of cutout letters. There’s a face under this woman’s strange cheeks and big forehead and I want to KNOW IT

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dysmorphia, werewolf feelings 

There is something under that mask that is more real than most of what I do every day, and I’ve never seen it. It’s not angry or scared or vengeful. It looks and feels like a monster but it’s not malignant. It’s just trying to be seen.

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dysmorphia, werewolf feelings 

“Angela, a werewolf has to look like a human at least part of the time, right?” Yeah. That’s part of why the allure of lycanthropy is so strong to me. The secret. Masking as a survival trait. But my mask is stuck to me all day every day and right now I want it GONE

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i feel so uncomfortable in my human skin. i just don't want to be this thing

Josef of FX Creator is making me silicone werewolf feet to match the Immortal Masks head and hands I already own. The one on the left is finished except for the hair; the other shows a darker paint scheme that will be lightened to match. I’m really excited about these! Having good stompers will really complete any costume I make with silicone partials.

Josef’s site:

I yawn. A glimpse of a mouth full of yellow fangs. A shiver of fur across my forearms. Lights out. Glimmer of tapetum lucidum. Goodnight.

Accessibility isn’t something you add to your product. It is your product.

I think 90% of my job is trying to convey this. If the button isn’t labeled, if the text cannot be seen, if the action cannot be performed, then it may as well not be there for some subset of users. #accessibility #a11y


Washed my HRT pills down with this last night. This morning at the endocrinologist appointment: “you’re the picture of health. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”

SQL is really difficult at first, but once you use it regularly and learn more about it, it's even worse.

Skeletons don't have pockets. We need to fix that.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!