covid-19 hysteria (-)
#covid19 does NOT give you the zombie shits from hell, people! why did you buy out the industrialized world's entire supply of toilet paper as if it was a black-friday special!?
idk if knowing the answer makes me feel better or worse.
rtfm, you say?
i'm unboxing a new pc for a customer, and of course i'm reading the pitiful excuse for a manual that comes with it. most of them these days are leaflets that don't even tell you how to turn the thing off.
but this one's actually a 12-page pamphlet, and it actually gives instructions on how to turn it off! amazing!
but you have to know what the start button is. no screenies to help you along. just ignoring that the start button hasn't said "start" since 2007.
the #freebsd folks got on it, & both firefox and thunderbird should be back in the repo soon. thanks, everyone!
i was pointed to a mailing list message which explains in detail what broke and how it was fixed:
now i just wait for a `pkg update && pkg search firefox` to produce the expected result, then i can unlock and upgrade.
i got a reply from blaagh on birdsite explaining what happened:
[121amd64-quarterly-job-01] Extracting nspr-4.24: .......... done
===> firefox-74.0_1,1 depends on package: nspr>=4.25 - not found
Quarterly package build failed due to an out of date dependency :/
oops, upgrading dav1d to 0.6.0 broke firefox because depends on & the upgrade removed it, installing instead. welp, good thing i didn't clear my pkg cache. `pkg install /var/cache/pkg/dav1d-0.5.2_1.txz` :/
thank you for the package locking feature, #freebsd. i mean that sincerely. with firefox locked against removal, i can at least keep working until this is sorted.
did someone at #freebsd mess up? why is this the only package search result for firefox now?
uh, #freebsd, what are you doing? why do you want to delete my favorite web browser during a package upgrade?
linus sebastian tries the windows clone reactos for the first time:
9:27 to 10:53 is an accurate representation of the actual windows experience. :V
lewd rl science
Masturbation boosts your immune system, helping you fight off infection and illness:
r/traa post, may contain sensitive content
2nd Illustration: Trans Men exist too !!
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